When checking bolt-lug face surface % with a sharpie...


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2011
How much pressure do you exert on the bolt face?? I read that some just chamber an empty case, while others exert pressure with a dowel inserted in barrel....what do you guys do?

What percentage contact of the lug-face is considered to be good/adequate??

I tried it too with a sharpie on the lug faces and a spent case in the chamber....no tape.

My best guess is that I have give or take, 90% on one lug and 50% on the other.

My rifle shoots sub 1/2 MOA all day long, so I don't intend on "fixing" it;)
I have never had a custom action and haven't had any trued I have had some re-barreled I have looked at the bolt lugs after use and noticed that for the most part they showed close to the same wear patterns on both of the lugs . If both lugs are exerting pressure what does it change if one is at 50% and one is at 80% to have them changed to 80% on both of the lugs ? I'm here to try to learn . So I ask questions on other peoples questions not to be rude and butt in but because that is when they come to mind
Nothing wrong with uneven wear if your getting good accuracy like ingwe for example. But it has to do with the bolt and barrel being truly squared along with the receiver and making sure everything is nice and snug to get the best accuracy out a rifle. I've had a few with less than 80% contact but equal wear on both lugs and they shot outstanding groups, but at that point if "it ain't broke" why fix it, I leave it alone.
I should mention that I tried it several times with various results using case only no tape

I bet it I used tape it would be more consistent
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