What is going on?


Maybe you missed my explanation about my decision on the "Stewardship" thread. No longer interested in Ultra and there isn't a unique need for us to feature competition. As an example, Benchrest Central always did a more complete job on benchrest than did we. But no one does as good a job on long range hunting. That's what I'd like to concentrate on and expand.

After reading your post on stewardship I see what you are doing. However, I must say looks driven on personalities and as the forum webmaster that is your right.

If you want to reign in the personalities do it. However, think this site always had a different personality than BR central and I liked it for that. Those other two forums were part of what got this site to where it is today with the people involved and as you state that is not your interest, now that the forum has grown enough to limit participation.

Guess I will set back and watch and see who drops out and if it is worth staying or it drifts off in another direction. I hope it maintains its tradition.

best wishes


[ 03-14-2004: Message edited by: BountyHunter ]

Although I don't post much, I truly enjoy the tone and diversity of your site. You mentioned that BR Central covered the other topics adequately and you desired to go in a different direction. I disagree, your forum promotes a different, "easy going" sort of tone. I respect your comments as of late on some of the threads; I think you are accurate there but, I wonder if eliminating competition and ultra was the answer?

For me, this web site was evolving faster than the other two you metioned, and evolving in a good way. I stumbled upon your board by way of long range BR, but I still enjoy everything else that it offers. I feel kinda bummed about all of it...Oh well, things and people come and go.
I'll still enjoy your board.

" e-brawls " Hehehe.. Izzat in Websters Dictionary yet.??

.. Geez.. If fussin' over rifles and ballistics were "fightin words" they'd still be lookin' for Gene and I's bleached bones in a groundhog field somewhere.. Sometimes coming this close to blows (over such world-shaking topics as "lagtime") but always working itself out and both of us with more to think about..
.. The very same "spunkiness" that gets us out to actually do this stuff is the very same thing that gets us into "lively discussions" over it.. Arguing a point is healthy for all until one runs out of facts or opinions and starts attacking personally.. Then, of course, it's "off topic"..

.. As I get older I notice personalities conflict more.. But in order to aquire the cameraderie I enjoy, I have to learn to bend and adapt.. Sometimes, like when I'm at someone else's place, I have to maybe bend & adapt a little more.. Like when visiting here at Len "The Dehydrator" Backus' "place on the web".. I know he doesn't have a lot of patience for ankle-biting and hair-pulling so I try to keep my arguments pretty factual and on course w/o a lot of personal jabbings interlaced..
.. I'm pretty sure my name still ends up on the dookey list anyways, but I ain't leavin' till I'm officially asked to shut up and go.. I've had my differences with some folks here but nothing so bad as to warrant an actual "shunning" (even the "Winchester Incident")
.. Geez.. I do ramble on..
First I would like to say that This is one of my favorite forum sites on the net.

Second, I have read dang near every post on this site trying to figure out what is in fact going on and I think I understand but there must be a ton of behind the scenes stuff that the average visitor dosen't know about. Thats fine, only I care about what I can learn and what I can share about shooting as it relates to this sites chosen topic. I dont care if a bunch of guys that know each other are torqued off at each other.

Third (this is already longer than I intended my response to be) If any one feels that this site dosen't meet their needs then please start a new site. I will probably visit both. That is the beauty of free speech we can say what ever we want, how ever we want (on our own server space).

Lastly I have to ditto Jake in NC. My best friends, The guys that I go 30 miles into the desert with to play with guns, agree alot and disagree alot. If the disagreeing gets to much for one guy to handle he is still welcome but no one is offended if he wants to bring his own truck.

I will see 99.9% of you back here at the LRH forums.
Could someone possibly emial me as to what went on over the weekend--things changed/gone, people leaving--what did i miss??

Well, I for one am sorry to see the Ultra Longrange Hunting section go. I've learned a lot over the last year or so about loading for longrange and other little tricks the 'pros' use. All in all it's still a great site and I enjoy reading the posts with my morning coffee. This site has a lot to do with my facination of shooting at longer ranges and at present I have a custom rifle coming to get me into this properly. I have to admit I've noticed a bit of bickering here and there but, for me anyway, I just ignore the 'noise' and look for the pertinant information.I'll just add that I've been a shooter and hunter all my life and in the year and a half that I've been into this site I've learned more from it and the people that post here then I have in all the years I've shot and reloaded in the past.I doubt I'll ever quit coming here ......it's just too ****.....welllllll.......interesting!
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