Vets and 1st Responders


Official LRH Sponsor
Mar 25, 2007
Most of you know that we offer a 10% discount for military and 1st responders. We do this on the honor system. 33% of our orders take this discount. About 7% of the population are vets. Trying to figure out if we have customers taking advantage of this. We have looked into programs that verify, but they cost thousands of dollars. No possible way to recoup the cost. We want these groups to get the discount and despise the stolen valor. Would like to hear everyone's opinion.
IMO the "first responder" can be many different things. Are you talking just fire/EMS/police?

I know with Guidefitter they also include linemen, utility workers etc.

So that could be where your extra numbers are coming from.

I just did an order a few days ago and thought about what the definition could mean. I'm not a veteran but could possibly be considered a first responder, I didn't take the discount code tho.
I am not a Vet nor a first responder and it has never occurred to me to try and get a military or first responder discount. They always ask at lowes and I always say no and they do not require a ID to prove it. Although only 7% of the population are Vets, I would say more than 7% of your customers are Vets plus you include 1st responders to that as well and that bumps up the percentage of customers that can take the discount. I imagine there may be some that are lying but I would think its a fairly small percentage. You also have to take into consideration that some Vets and first responders might be purchasing for their friends who aren't in order to get them the discount.
there will always be cheaters and those that take advantage of things, its impossible to stop many, and when money is involved, even more are tempted it seems!
all you can do is either invest in the steps needed to confirm, or, just take the hits from those that will cheat you, or stop the discounts
its a NO win deal for you I am sure
buts sadly what things are these days, IMO< there is a serious lack of pride and self dignity in a large portion of people these days and getting worse as time passes!
Most of you know that we offer a 10% discount for military and 1st responders. We do this on the honor system. 33% of our orders take this discount. About 7% of the population are vets. Trying to figure out if we have customers taking advantage of this. We have looked into programs that verify, but they cost thousands of dollars. No possible way to recoup the cost. We want these groups to get the discount and despise the stolen valor. Would like to hear everyone's opinion.
I happen to be vet and several different sites require a copy of your DD214. I just block out some of the stuff.
I have used your veterans discount and appreciate it. There are many veterans that hunt so that would definitely fudge the numbers. Veterans will have a DD214 which they receive at time of discharge and could possibly send a copy to verify their service. No clue how to verify first responders?
Thanks again for the military discount
Yeah, most sites out there require some sort of proof. I keep a picture of my retired ID card on my phone because I send it out all the time for discounts. I think you could create an upload window and require proof. It would require someone taking the time to approve each of them, but if you could tie the account to the discount permanently, it would only require a validation one time per customer. I think the validation window would cut down on the people taking the discount, but I could be wrong. I think that most people are scum, but that doesn't necessarily make it so.
No good dead goes unpunished. Society detached from a higher power or moral authority becomes parasitic rather quickly.

Know a lot of folks who were burned by abused generosity, to the point they stopped offering the discounts and services. Either accept that it will be abused and adjust prices accordingly or slap on the rose colored glasses and hope all your customers are vets.

(Anecdotally the two guys I know who use your bullets both are marine Corp vets.)

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