USFWS announces gray wolf delisted Friday


Dec 16, 2008
PINEDALE - After years of legal wrangling and negotiations between the state of Wyoming and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), Gov. Matt Mead and USFWS Director Dan Ashe came to an agreement on a statewide wolf management plan in 2011. Today, Ashe announced the final step in that agreement, submitting the proposed delisting plan to the federal register.

In a conference call with reporters this morning, Ashe said he was proud to be a part of this process, noting he watched the start of the USFWS's work to recover the gray wolf in the 90s with the species' reintroduction in Yellowstone National Park.

Since then, the species, once near extinction in the Northern Rocky Mountain region, has made a remarkable comeback, surpassing recovery goals for the past 10 Ashe told reporters the trophy game area contains around 86 percent of the state's wolf population and 88 percent of the state's breeding pairs. Outside of that area, much of which USFWS biologists have determined to be unsuitable wolf habitat, the animals will have predator status, meaning they can be shot on sight.
The final plan submitted by the USFWS states there need to be at least 15 breeding pairs and 150 wolves in Wyoming to avoid triggering a status review. Due to the large amount of federally administered land in the trophy game area, the state is not responsible for management in the national parks, the Rockefeller Parkway or the Wind River Indian Reservation. Thus, the state will be responsible for 10 breeding pairs and 100 wolves, taking into account the wolf population in those non-state areas.
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Good news. Note that this was made possible by a change of "climate" politically, both nationally and locally. Know who you're voting for in 2 months.
Great news, looks like now, or starting Oct 1, we can protect the Big Horns and Black Hills from those varmits.

Another link.

Jackson Hole Daily | Wyoming OK'd for wolf hunt

Here is a better link from the Wyoming Fish and Game, describing the hunting rules as trophy and the varmit rules. It also has a map showing what is the trophy area and what is the varmit area.

Wyoming Game & Fish Department
I'll be hunting south of Custer, MT. I might just swing down and give a hand with your predator control. Good to hear that WY is taking the propper steps to keep em under control. I hope MT will take a page out of the WY playbook and sets up "trophy" and "shoot on sight" areas as well.
Hats off to all those that made this happen. I am happy for Wy. and wish that the powers to be from Mt. would have had the cahoonas to do what wy has accomplished. Wyoming now has the BEST wolf depredation plan heads and shoulders above Mt. and Id.

Congratulations Wy. job well done
I'm excited as all get out. We took a lot of guff for not taking what was given in the beginning but I believe it was for the better.

I can't wait for a chance to "wack-a-wolf", that particular critter is very high on my "to do" list :D

I hunt deer within a very,very short distance of Wyoming in the Black Hills of SD(feet-inches).

We have documented wolf tracks in the area we hunt and they travel into and out of Wyoming.

According to the Wyoming website it appears it would be legal for us to shoot wolves in Wyoming if we happened to see one.? There is no license for the predator area.
I hunt deer within a very,very short distance of Wyoming in the Black Hills of SD(feet-inches).

We have documented wolf tracks in the area we hunt and they travel into and out of Wyoming.

According to the Wyoming website it appears it would be legal for us to shoot wolves in Wyoming if we happened to see one.? There is no license for the predator area.

You would be correct, the "trophy" area is around Jellystone, everything else is fair game. We have had pictures of the in our newspaper taken not far from town.

All of the wolves that I have seen and heard have been in the trophy game area. The trophy game area is actually quite large and encompasses almost all of western wyoming from highway 120 south of Cody and west. It makes my deer area and elk areas all in the trophy area and in my deer area where I have seen and heard wolves for over 13 years, the quota is two wolves. Oh well, it is a start.
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