Tumble before or after de-priming?


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
Central Washington
So which do you do?

My gas gun friends seem to all tumble before they prime, because the brass from gas guns like the AR-15 is much dirtier than bolt gun brass.

But my bolt gun friends all seem to deprime and then tumble.

Which is right, and why?

I just started doing it before running it through the die... seams it makes sense that you would get rid of any debris prior to running it through the die.
As a bolt man...sometimes I push pressures to higher points than any autos that rely on standard pressures...when I do, the primer is an indicator of any problems in high pressure, so I want to make sure the primer pocket is kept tight, and no polishing, no matter how little, is going to help the fit. When you polish, you remove brass, or whatever metal you polish...that is increasing tolerances in the most critical spot in the cartridge, no matter how little! Tumble before, then clean the pocket...and keep it safe.
Anyone ever tumble, resize then use a chemical case cleaner or use a chemical cleaner at all at any step????
I tumble before and after. Before because I dont want dirt and grime in my dies, after to get the case lube off of the cases and as my 7year old say's dad they are nice and shinny. :D

I also run them through the tumbler before resizing and then again after rezing to clean the lube off... no problems with out of round case necks so far.
For my ARs I do the following for every loading:
de-prime using a unviseral die, then tumble, then full length size.

For my bolt guns, I only tumble after 3 or 4 loadings. For bolt guns I tumble before depriming.
Ultrasonic cleaning after depriming leaves cases gorgeous. But the downside is that they are almost too clean. Good reading at accurateshooter.com on the subject if you are interested
I deprime with a universal deprime die and then clean them with the liquid IOSSO. It works great for me. Quick and easy and ensures my good dies don't get powder and primer residue in them.
Anyone ever tumble, resize then use a chemical case cleaner or use a chemical cleaner at all at any step????

I don't think there is a right way or a wrong way just the way you prefer to do it.

I tumble first, Then use lacquer thinner to wash the media dust off, lube and size
the case, then wash in lacquer thinner to remove sizing lube and blow with compressed
air .

By tumbling first the media does not get stuck in the primer flash hole.

And by cleaning after tumbling my dies stay clean and the solvent removes or softens
the powder residue left inside so the compressed air can remove most of it.

It may be overkill but it's the way I do it.

[QUOTE=J E Custom;By tumbling first the media does not get stuck in the primer flash hole.

this is the exact reason i deprime first, because the media gets stuck in the flash hole and makes the depriming process MUCH more difficult. at least for me.

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