Trip from New Zealand to U.S.A (planning)


Well-Known Member
Oct 21, 2006
Top of the South Island, New Zealand
I have been in my current job for a while now and get given four weeks extra holiday that needs to be taken in one lump.

An idea I have and am dead keen on is to head over to the U.S.A and have a look around and hopefully go out on a few hunts, do a few steel shoots.

I have always had an interest in the "wild west" and the history that goes with it, I like big country and I dont like cities. I would hire a car and drive around from State to State hopefully.

Hunting wise I would like a pronghorn buck, a whitetail or Mule, coyote, any ground dwelling varmint ie groundhog, woodchuck etc etc. Would consider a bear but I would be happy just to tag along on someone elses hunt for one of those.

A few questions

1- What would be good states to visit that would fill the above criteria

2- Can tourists drive in the USA on their overseas drivers licences

3- What time of year would be best for hunting (here we can shoot what we like when we like)

4-Who can take me hunting :), would prefer to do real hunts than book guides (also to save a bit of money). I wouldnt bring a firearm as it would be too much hassle.

5- Does a guide for a non resident hunter have to be a registered guide or can a resident 'guide' me

Realistically this would happen 2010 as I have been told by my good lady that I need to whack some more off our mortgage first and save the necessary coin.

I saw on the Idaho Fish and Game site that there is a pool for Non resident tags, do you go in the draw for one or is it purchase what is avaiable.

I would be more than happy to return any hunt if you were to come to New Zealand, lots of species to shoot over here.

About me

I am 35, fit, honest and trustworthy, willing to walk with packs, steep hills don't worry me at all.

Cheers, Steve

If you want the animals above most places will require a drawing for antelope, deer tags buy "over the counter" but early in the year. If you want one state to do it all, I'd apply for a Montana antelope draw and pick up the deer whitetail or mulie while your there. The varmints anywhere in the northwest again some good sports for rockchucks in Montana. The issue you might have is getting seasons to line up to do them all. You are not required to have a guide for any of the species you are interested in. So you can simply go hunting with LRH friends, no problem there as long as there is no compensation for the hunting. You are looking at a fall trip for the best hunting most likely Novemeber especially for deer. November will eliminate some varmint possibilities but it will be your best shot at good bucks. You can drive on your foriegn license but are responsible to know the traffick laws. I would look at other states as well. There are some really good opportunities in Idaho, Washington, Montana, Colorado, and Utah. Drop me an email maybe we could plan a whitetail hunting trip for you in 2010.

If you wanted to consider going a little further north, there are hunting opportunities in Alberta (Canada) which you can take advantage of without having to use an outfitter (although you would have to have one of us blokes hunter host you).

You can hunt whitetail / mule deer; elk; moose; black bear. Antelope can only be done with an outfitter. Sounds like you could also hunt game bird.

We don't have much for varmints, just prairie dogs which is just a spring/summer thing.

Like Shawn, I'd recommend a November hunt for elk and whitetail deer. We've got some cranker whitetails up here.

Good to see you're planning this out far enough so you can properly plan everything you want to get done.

Thanks for the replies, the varmints were more of a filler, the deer hunting would be the ultimate for me.

Elk would be need too, their bugle is just awesome. We have a herd here in NZ thats origins were gifted by Ted Roosevelt. Their bloodlines are weaker now due to cross breeding with Red Deer.

I will aim for November 2010, that gives me plenty of time to save and get things organised.

Canada sounds nice, and not out of reach of Idaho and Montana so definitely an option.

Can rental cars be taken interstate and into Canada?
I would recomend Wyoming, Montana and Colorado probably in that order. There could be better states but those 3 I know better than others and tags are not hard to draw. I would recomend getting points for whatever state or states you pick. Prefrence points usually give you better hunting oppertunities.
There are coyotes and prarie dogs in all of those states.

Good luck,
After living in Montana for 6 years I have to agree with Shawn that it gives the most opportunities.

Currently I live in Idaho, but after living and traveling in both of these states I'd still say Montana has far better habitat for game than most of Idaho. There is no comparison in game numbers and opportunities.

I can see more game and roadkill driving thru Montana than I can see game period while hunting in N. Idaho. Hope that made sense. In other words. I've taken more game in Montana with the cattleguard on my diesel pickup than I have hunting them with an rifle in Idaho. Now that is the honest truth.
Check the licence requirements for the States you wish to hunt in, as some - such as Colorado - require some proof of competence in order to purchase a licence.
Altenatively, you could take one of the "crash" Hunter Education courses offered by many States' Department of Wildlife upon arrival.
If you plan on bringing your own rifle(s), then ensure you complete the necessary paperwork well in advance.
In order to possess firearms in the US, you will need to show a valid hunting licence from ANY state, or an invitation to a recognised competition.
I take out a Colorado small game licence every January to comply with this, as I shoot as a visitor at a gun club on my visits.
Got past the biggest hurdle- approval from the war office (the Mrs)!!

All going to plan will be late Oct to early Dec 2010

Would love to hear from anyone who would be happy to take a kiwi or two for a hunt. Particulary hunters in the Montana, Washington, Oregon and Alberta Canada areas

Of course any hunts would be reciprocated if you came to New Zealand.

We have Red deer, Sika deer, Fallow deer, Chamois and Tahr (and a plethora of small game, game birds, trout and sea fishing)

Heres a few pics to hopefully get some of you interested :)


Some rough stuff


Rabbit hunting with my son


Rolling fog


Fallow meat hunt with my brother


Sika Deer in great LRH country
Steve, if you have more questions about Alberta feel free to ask.

If you decide you want to hunt up here, I'm sure we could figure something out.

Mate you are in for a great time. My mate & I hunted from Alzada Montana in Oct-Nov 1998, looking for Pronghorn, Whitetail & Mule deer. Went with an outfitter from Alzada. Just like the wild west. The funniest memory I have is of finishing hunting on day 1 of the season opening, going up the local for a beer and as it was on the main east west highway we took our firearms into the pub. Apparently the cars get broken into & firearms stolen. Nobody cared less.
Great hunting lots of Pronghorn & Muley's. Did not see many Whitetail though. Saw Beaver building a dam & the trees they cut down were just like the cartoons. Saw Badger in a trap.
Love to go back.
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