Today's Society...



Today\'s Society...

My wife and I are watching 20/20 last night.. (like the show hate Barbara).. so this story comes on about the pain killer Rush is addicted to.... ( I went to fix a cocktail ) my wife who usually keeps her opinions to a minimum, starts yelling at the TV... I come back to hear her give the TV a piece of her mind... she starts saying how screwed up is this world is when all these "politically correct" a$$holes who won't/can't see the truth about what is really happening...
Seems that the media and a group/bunch or several individuals are trying to blame the pharmaceutical company for the illegal street sales and the addiction problem. ( get this ) she went on to say it is the same A$$holes who are trying to say that the guns are the ones who kill people.
Her rant went on and she said .... are we so blind and so irresponsible that we cannot see that "people" are the reason we become addicted and that people kill other people... is society so blind to the reality or are we that cowardly that we cannot accept the blame and need to finger someone else....

I guess that rant stayed with me and all in all left me restless and feeling like I should try to do something about it.. but how can you fight the media and millions of the X generation that are so "politically correct" and blinded that they have become puppets to the puppet masters....

Re: Today\'s Society...


You can also put much of this blame on the lawyers who want a piece of the pie.

The power of the pen and TV coverage is very strong and Barbara WAWA is very misinformed on many issures.

Suing a company or manufacturer has been a way of life for many and as you said, people try to blame others for their short comings.

I like the one about the action taken by the parents of fat kids toward McDonalds.
It's supposed to be McDonalds fault that their fat *** kids eat to much and lay around the house all day and play games on their computers. That's a joke, just like the lady that spilled hot coffee on her lap and she won a law suit against McDonalds for that one.

My thoughts are, "your" the one at fault, if you eat to much, spill coffee on yourself, shoot someone with a handgun or rifle or kill someone in an auto accident if you caused it.

Things will change when I become President.

I also want to see a Hummer 2 in every garage.

Re: Today\'s Society...


I forgot about the fat kid thing... good point... I guess all this really burns my ***.. I used to work against many of those types of lawyers.. just looking to reach into someone elses deap pockets... never really looking for the real reason, the real solution ...
Re: Today\'s Society...


I am going to start a DC for Pres in my town!

And I'll take one of the green ones, please.
Re: Today\'s Society...


I have you first on the list for a green one.

What the heck, if the Governor of California can have one, we all should, right?

I want any color as long as it's not that yellow one. I guess I could have it painted though?
The Green one is nice and so are the browns and blacks.
Have been looking at them long and hard.
A guy at the range has a black one---**** it's nice.


PS----Here are the issues I'll promote and take a stand on.

A Hummer 2 in every gararge, 5 long and ultra longrange rifles for every sportsman who want them, Steak, chicken and Lobster in every pot, no more illegal aliens allowed in this country, only English to be spoken in this country and in our schools, more off shore drilling to reduce the cost of foreign oil, more drilling & pumping for oil in Alaska, more reasonable timbering in the west (the hell with the owls), less gun control, less Government red tape and laws to abide by.
This is just a list I have prepared for the upcoming campaign.
Re: Today\'s Society...

I`ll vote for you DC. I`m all for an independent nation that strives to take care of things within its own border.
Amen, Warren
Re: Today\'s Society...

Thanks for the Vote.

You shall have the Burnt Rust one with all the goodies. I've ordered a 10,000 lb winch for it to.

Another point or two I want to make during this campagn is,

The borders will be patroled by the military and anyone coming across illegally, will be shot on sight.

Those coming into this country to seek citizenship will only do so as per the birth, death rate of those already here.
If there are more deaths then births, then "that many" or the difference between, will be allowed into this country. If there are more births then deaths for that year, then the borders are closed to "new" citizens.
This way we will keep the population numbers fixed the way they are now.

If you file for citizenship, you must know english and speak it fluently or your not coming across our borders.

There will also be federal funded health care for all US citizens.

This is just the beginning fellows. My list is growing.

Re: Today\'s Society...

You got may vote!!

I'll make the Banners!! and poster signs..

gotta think of a campaign solgan...

Re: Today\'s Society...


I guess I've seen too much of the poor conditions to the South to want to lock the Border completely. I can't blame those people for wanting to want to make a better life for themselves and their children. As long as they are willing to work to make things better, I'm not going to stand in their way. I'm sure if you lived there, you'd want to improve your life as well.

By the same token, it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all to have all new immigrants told that neither them or their children would ever be eligible for any form of Government handouts. Taking that one step further, with the exception of extreme disability, I think all Government handouts such as welfare and unemployment checks should be limited to 24 monthly checks for the life of any person.

If you don't work, you don't eat, and don't look to me for sympathy for your lazy ***.

Any person who applies for welfare with three or more children shouldn't receive any money until a Government funded sterilization procedure is preformed.

The prisons are already over crowded. The average life expectancy is 72. I'll give you three years. If you have no hope of parole before the age of 75, I see no reason to feed, house or medicate you until then. Getting rid of those who have no hope of rehabilitation will make room for those who have a chance to turn their lives around.

I'll be happy to vote for you DC, but don't get upset if I continue to improve my Spanish.

Re: Today\'s Society...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">quote:</font><HR> I'll make the Banners!! and poster signs..

gotta think of a campaign solgan...



How about "Straight Shooter"?

Saw a post once that went... "Blaming guns for crime is like blaming forks for Rosie O'Donnell being fat". Figured that summed it up quite well. But then again, if my History serves me right, the French invented the fork... maybe another excuse to take on France. Oh well, enough rambling.

"D.C. for D.C. 2004"
Re: Today\'s Society...


I like your ideas on Government handouts.

I also have seen first hand the "problem" with illegal aliens.
I lived in California for two years and I don't know if Arnold can bring that State around. I hope so but........

I think that the legal Americans should have the chance to fill the jobs the Illegals are taking. If they can't be filled then a signup system should be implemented to allow illegals in for a certain amount of time after they are finger printed and given a work card. They must also report in every day as to where they are and MUST know English.

If their employer here in the States reports that that person did not report to work, that person should to be deported back to his home Country and not allowed back in.
There should be NO health Care for the illegals what so ever, unless it's a TRUE emergency and life is in the balance.

I don't envey the southwest States because of this illegal alien problem.

Quite Hunter

I like your slogans alot.
"The Straight Shooter" and "DC for DC in 2004"
Will have to start with some posters and billboards soon.


[ 10-18-2003: Message edited by: Darryl Cassel ]
Re: Today\'s Society...

I'll vote for ya too!!!! Hey can I have one in that burnt rust brown metallic they have.
Oh yeah with the self inflating tires I need automatic scratch removing paint for when I run through the woods with it!!!!
Re: Today\'s Society...

The borders will be patroled by the military and anyone coming across illegally, will be shot on sight.

I hope the military will be using Match Kings in there rifles. ONE SHOT KILLS!

This is a good example of free speech or a bad example if your one of the families trying to improve there life. The streets are made of gold, too bad there are alot of a$$holes driving on them!!
Re: Today\'s Society...

Unemployment insurance checks are not truly handouts. You and I pay into the fund every week (not directly perhaps, but we pay into it never the less). What you get back, when your laid off, does not exceed what has been paid in (called credit weeks) for you. In fact it's often less. In MI you have to work a minimum of 9 months to be elegable for 6 months (at 75% of average net) unemployment (taxable income BTW).
The goverment hates to get off the money because just like SS they would rather spend it on "pet projects" than let it sit and grow.

The rest of your statements I do agree with, so we're not that far apart.

DC you can put a sign in my yard anytime, no Hummer or rifle required (OK, 1 used LR rifle)
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