Time for a new cell phone.

charles bonner

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
I am getting ready to get a new phone and I have never had one with a ballistic calculator.What phone are you using and do you like it or would you get something different.Do you have to have cell service to use the calculator.Most of the country I hunt has no service;so would I be wasting my time and money getting. one.Head me in the right direction please. Thanks Charles
I used an iTouch for a year as a trial before getting an iPhone this past January. I absolutely love it, and have a variety of apps on it. Ok... I have almost 200. Some medical, some hunting, some games, some travel... :D

Shooter recently came out for the iPhone and I purchased it. This is one of the best apps out for ballistic calculations, and the fact that I can do so much more with the phone is just a bonus. I would highly recommend it. iStrelok is nice, and even better since it is free. I also have Ballistic, though since I now have Shooter I'm not sure I will ever use it.

No, I don't even own Apple stock but I like my iPhone much more than I ever thought I would - even after using the same thing (iTouch - an iPhone without the phone) for a year.
I have a Droid comando and use the free Strelok app. I am not sore if it will operate when there is a lack of service.
I bought the comando because it is water , shock , dust proof. A requirement for my line of work. I have dropped it from 10 ft. onto cement with no side effects and have had it submersed in water with no ill effects. There are phones with bigger screens which I like but they don't meet the other requirements. I do like the fact that when it's raining I dont have to put it in a zip lok bag.
I have an iPhone and love it. I use the JBM ballistic FTE program on it and am very happy with it. Cell coverage can be used to input some of the weather and location parameters but is not required, you can manually enter them as well. The app was 20 bucks but worth it IMO
My son has an IPad so he loaded a copy of Shooter so I can learn to run the program while deciding on a phone.I really don't need all the features and service of a fancy phone. I may go cheap on the phone service and carry an IPad to calculate.When your old and the vision starts to slip those little screens can be a major problem.Should get to play with Shooter today and will post opinions.
My son has an IPad so he loaded a copy of Shooter so I can learn to run the program while deciding on a phone.I really don't need all the features and service of a fancy phone. I may go cheap on the phone service and carry an IPad to calculate.When your old and the vision starts to slip those little screens can be a major problem.Should get to play with Shooter today and will post opinions.
Sounds like we are in a similar boat, I look forward to what you learn.
My son has an IPad so he loaded a copy of Shooter so I can learn to run the program while deciding on a phone.I really don't need all the features and service of a fancy phone. I may go cheap on the phone service and carry an IPad to calculate.When your old and the vision starts to slip those little screens can be a major problem.Should get to play with Shooter today and will post opinions.

I thought the same thing which is why I bought the iTouch to use for a while.
Then, I upgraded to the phone and realized how much that internet connection was worth in expanding what I can do.

An iPad is probably a bit larger than what I'd want to carry or whip out of a pocket when doing a calculation but that's just me.
We already had the IPad so I can learn on it.I just started running Shooter and like the program.My son tells me I will still have issues seeing it in bright sunlight;but it is great setting here at the table.Where I elk hunt there is no cell service;so internet connection is a non issue.I am really not good with cell phones and just learned how to send a picture.Have never sent a text!With practice maybe I'll work my way up to an IPhone.:)
So what happens when you want to use the auto atmoshpiric input mode on the shooter program and there is no internet connection. Using the iPhone I might add.
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