Tikka M65 with GRS-stock


Active Member
Dec 24, 2011
Kouvola, Finland
That's a really cool looking rifle. I'm not that familiar with Tikkas. How about some specs...cartridge, optics, custom barrel?
Nice! Being a T3 fan I can appreciate any aftermarket stocks,especially of that quality. Too bad they don't have any mountain weight offerings on their site. Very nice rig you have there!
How's the stock feel in the hand? I saw them introduced on here I believe a while back. Very very nice looking... How much does the rig weigh and how's the kick on the 30-06?
I'm all about the weight of that baby too. Can you get a good weight on it for us?
Total weight is 4,865kg so recoil is not remarkable part.

GRS have new Decima series witch is little bit smaller. This Sporter/Varmint is better suitable for tall shooters who have more than average lenght arms and fingers.

Total weight is 4,865kg so recoil is not remarkable part.

GRS have new Decima series witch is little bit smaller. This Sporter/Varmint is better suitable for tall shooters who have more than average lenght arms and fingers.


4,865kg?? (10,703lbs) How about 4,865grams (10.75lbs)
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