
I think it would be whatever you are more comfortable with. the problem with some centergrips is you can't get as nice of a trigger due to the linkage. I personally feel more stable with a rear grip when shooting with a bipod , I think the longer the distance between the grip and bipod the more stable it will be...
How long is LR for this question?
Bench or field?
Lightweight carry or heavy overall weight?
i was thinking about building a 6.5x284 heavy 18" pac nor barrel on a savage action with a pain killer brake for shooting 500 - 1000. i would use it for shooting deer,yotes,hogs, and some targetshooting at the ranch.
If you are building a heavier rig, I think more advantages lie in the rear-grip. Better triggers available, faster lock-time, and more stability.
I have had a personal preference for center-grips, since it puts me closer to the ocular of the scope in the past, but I am warming up to the rear-grips more and more for field use.
Come this fall (Maybe sooner), I will have a fair perspective on rear-grips, because if plans work out right, I will be using rear-grips a lot in 09 from the bench and from field positions.
FWIW-I should have 2 rear-grips in my hands by late January to February and a third soon after that. One will be primary bench use, while the other will be set-up for both field and bench.
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