States where Burris Eliminator is illegal?


Jul 3, 2017
I see varying information on where these are legal and where they are not. Could someone please tell me what states they may not be used in?
Regarding Washington it appears they may have altered the verbiage slightly to allow for this now... here is the text

From hunting proclamation for 2017-
2. Using night vision and laser sights (WAC 220-414-010): It is illegal to hunt deer or elk with the aid of infrared night vision equipment or with laser sights (not to include range finders) capable of projecting a beam onto the target, while in possession or control of a firearm, bow and arrow, or crossbow.

The verbiage about "not to include..." seems to allow for the Burris type now, it didn't used to have that parenthetical but as with everything hunting/fishing related in this liberal utopia I need to have my lawyer with me to decipher, I think that means "excluding laser range finders" but it could also mean you cannot include a laser range finder and I guarantee if you ask game cops you will get different opinions from different folks.
I very much doubt a Burris Eliminator of any generation, I, II, or III, is illegal in any state for regular rifle seasons. Yeah, maybe for muzzle loaders, but not for modern rifles.

BUT... Just wait 'til rifle scopes have a high end ballistics calculator and many other sensors like temperature, altitude, humidity, compass heading, etc and can take a Micro SD card with your rifle and cartridge's EXACT ballistics, as in the Leica HD-B binoculars.

When they can give you a hold solution that includes altitude density, coriolis effect (for very long shots), angle correction (up or down) along with all the info as in the AB ballistics software then we'll likely see some restrictions.

Eric B.
Could you copy and paste the section of regulation that would apply please?
Straight out of the montana regulations, It is illegal to use night vision equipment or electronically enhanced light gathering optics or thermal imaging eguipment for locating or hunting game.
Now to me that doesn't mean you couldn't use one on coyotes etc. any thing else that is non big game.
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