Southern Zone NY

Check out (Long Range Competition) in the forums here. There is a place in Factoryville Pa. a few miles west of Scranton Pa.. They have long range shooting there, out to about 450 yards steel or paper targets. It's called Factoryville Sportsmen Club.
Check out (Long Range Competition) in the forums here. There is a place in Factoryville Pa. a few miles west of Scranton Pa.. They have long range shooting there, out to about 450 yards steel or paper targets. It's called Factoryville Sportsmen Club.

Alpine NY here by Watkins Glenn.I have heard of a club that has a 200yd range.But heck I can do better than that up on Gov land for free.
I live in Fort Plain Ny, Montgomery county. I'm lucky enough to have a farm to shoot on and I get pretty decent range for private. I also have found and attended a long range shooting class that's given by a US Army Sniper instructor. He has an insane amount of knowledge to share.
Carmel ny here, originally from long island. Was thinking of trying to get a group together to buy some property and create our own private long range club. All we need is some acreage in dutchess county and a few conex boxes . Anybody?
Carmel ny here, originally from long island. Was thinking of trying to get a group together to buy some property and create our own private long range club. All we need is some acreage in dutchess county and a few conex boxes . Anybody?

That sounds interesting ... PM when this takes shape I'm in Milan/red hook/Clinton corners
Southern zone is from thruway Albany to Buffalo south , north would be the other way. For us up staters the CITY is from Kingston down.gun):)

So that makes me a city guy? What's the tween area from Kingston to Albany called? Or should I drop from this thread :(
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