Should we start to boycot these high prices?

Things gonna change here in Alaska as well, for better or worse ? remains to be seen ...

The group RHAK or Resident Hunters of Alaska ... are gaining momentum and pretty much seeking to curtail the "free-for-all, Alaska is the worlds hunting playground" that the guides & non-resident hunters view it as ....

The major topic of discussion is Dall Sheep, where non-residents take the majority of sheep and Alaskans are seeing statewide restrictions imposed on resident hunters, moose is also a big subject, Alaskans hunt for meat & non-residents fly home with the antlers leaving the rest behind for guides to dispose of as they please .... the argument is valid in this case and I agree to end that practice .... same reason I will never pay to hunt anywhere in Africa, I despise the fact that I can't bring an ounce of meat back and will not pay one cent to hunt there

I agree with some of their views and disagree with other stuff, which is why I am not a member

But like it or not, big changes are coming and non-resident hunters will most likely see less hunting opportunities .... and so will residents

One fact that RHAK can't seen to get is that once they prove their cases and reasons for limiting non-resident hunters ... those same arguments will affect resident hunters the same way ..... major changes with major restrictions

I know plenty of guides, residents and NR's who hunt AK. As a former resident of AK, I get the attitude of resident's. Tourists are hated, but AK sure loves those tourist and hunters dollars. Dall Sheep is on my list, just not there yet. RHAK's should understand that like everything, with those pesky tourists/NR's comes serious dollars. If residents want more Dall Sheep, get there *** in shape, take that few weeks off, and get to the mountains. I know, much harder than a week sitting in moose camp that you ran up the river for. You sound like you get it. I live in Texas, I obviously have to travel to hunt, so I get the hate for NR's.
We are our own worst enemies.

I don't like what sometimes happens on Gunbroker but nobody is forcing someone to make a bid. DON'T BID ON AN ITEM THAT IS PRICED TOO HIGH.
I saw 2 boxes of VERY OLD 87gr SP .240 Wby Mag ammo (40 rounds) on auction for $200 and people were bidding higher! WTH??? I will just switch to another rifle until some folks' faculties return. What gets me is how do the individuals (not businesses, usually) find this stuff to extort money for? I see them with 4 boxes of something for $600 and sometimes 10 boxes or multiple cases for well into the 4-figure range. When I see a case of ammo going for a crazy price, I automatically think they must me affiliated with a gun shop somewhere.

Making it available is starting it at $0 and/or making a "Buy Now" in the realm of plausibility ensuring all their costs including sell fees are covered. But when they ask $5 - $8 a round starting bid and it's not a big Weatherby magnum, .50 cal, Cheytac, or Barrett round or some similar African cartridge, that's replacing ethics with greed. Or put another way, profit is their ethics. Sadly, most (all?) companies in the free world would do the same in the absence of competition, no matter what the product or service.
When you give stupid people money - stimulus checks - a tax check every month because you have more kids than you can afford - and a thousand dollars a week unemployment checks - 7K income tax returns this is what u get. A recession will come and when it does things will come back down in price. STUPID PEOPLE SHOULDN'T HAVE MONEY...
Heard on the radio Record federal income tax being paid this year RECORD SAPITAL GAINS BEING PAID The increase in your capital gains also increases how much SOCIAL SECURITY YOU HAVE TO PAY This cost me an additional $ 3000 this year . MO MORE HUNTING OR FISHING GEAR THIS YEAR .
Well, I get your point, but I am "hoarding," in the sense that I bought a little at a time every month over a two year period years ago so that I could have the protection that affords. So I have a surplus now because of that financial commitment and planning. I've sold a few boxes of primers to friends for $50 a box, which I consider fair considering I paid about $32-$42 a box for much of it, and that's before the current inflation. I'm not going to let much more of my "hoard" go though, and no apologies for that.

I do agree on the guys trying to take an immediate profit from the shortage. We saw this (or at least I did) in 2012, with guys lining up at 6:30 am. at Walmart to buy a box of Winchester white box .22 LR 550 for $25 (3 box limit) then an hour later had it listed online for $80, and guys were buying it! One guy who I ran into there a couple of times didn't even shoot or own a gun, he was just profit taking. Starting that year I was determined not to be in that situation ever again, so would grab 2-3 boxes of ammo each payday. In the middle of that I also committed to buying components, as well as lead for BP shooting.

I guess I'm drawing a distinction between bulk buying now and sucking up what's available, and building some reserve for the future, thanks.
Fair enough, I've got a pile of stuff too which is a culmination of 30+ years but my reference was about people freaking out and buying what they don't currently need nor will need in the foreseeable future.

Living in Alaska I see the magnitude of hoarding first hand when people move to the lower 48 and can't take it with them. A few years back a guy leaving the state offered to sell me his stash, so I went to look at what he had. He had removed all the ammo from the boxes and put it in 50 caliber ammo cans to save space. There were 37 steel cans and several of the mtm plastic cans of similar size all full of various ammo. All total 50,000 rounds. He even had an 8lb jug of H-5010 although he didn't reload. Said he bought it just in case he ever decided to start reloading.

That last sentence should tell you a lot about my position on the stupidity and lack of common knowledge of most hoarders.
When you give stupid people money - stimulus checks - a tax check every month because you have more kids than you can afford - and a thousand dollars a week unemployment checks - 7K income tax returns this is what u get. A recession will come and when it does things will come back down in price. STUPID PEOPLE SHOULDN'T HAVE MONEY...
sorry but the price you see today are the new normal they won't be going back down.2 quit dreaming its just not gonna happen
That's it in a shotshell. It's hypocritical to espouse capitalism and then get mad when market forces (which include politics) make prices go higher than you'd like.
Yes, exactly! I've felt like screaming this so many times with some of my interactions in the classifieds 😂
Not true. Salary stayed the same. Stock has gone up so yes his compensation goes up based on stock price. Overall compensation went down $2.2m from 2019-2020 for example.

I work for an ESOP. Works the similarly. Great in good years bad in bad years.

Supply companies are recording record profits. Across the board. That said, how can they claim costs are going up? It's because they are taking much higher profits lining their pockets causing us to suffer their greed.
I know plenty of guides, residents and NR's who hunt AK. As a former resident of AK, I get the attitude of resident's. Tourists are hated, but AK sure loves those tourist and hunters dollars. Dall Sheep is on my list, just not there yet. RHAK's should understand that like everything, with those pesky tourists/NR's comes serious dollars. If residents want more Dall Sheep, get there *** in shape, take that few weeks off, and get to the mountains. I know, much harder than a week sitting in moose camp that you ran up the river for. You sound like you get it. I live in Texas, I obviously have to travel to hunt, so I get the hate for NR's.
Are you serious? Take off a couple of weeks? For what. All states like tourist dollers, whats the point? I was born in AK. Raping the animals for trophies is BS. Most Alaskans hunt for meat, not trophies. It's called food.
You are correct; it is NOT as straightforward as some people think. As you noted in your bottom line statement, many of us say the same thing. It has boiled down to creative ways of conveying the same message.
And the same message is still not explained what's going on. Around we go.
That's it in a shotshell. It's hypocritical to espouse capitalism and then get mad when market forces (which include politics) make prices go higher than you'd like.


High ammo and component prices are high for the same reason our Healthcare is so d@mn expensive. So many major corporations are reporting record profits yet many Americans are toeing the poverty line. Why? Greed. Aka pure unadulterated and unregulated capitalism. Capitalism works great when there's some humanity involved on the part of the big money makers, but that's not a thing anymore.

There needs to be some re structuring so the regular Joe's like me can afford stuff. It's getting rediculous. $50k a year barely gets you to the bottom middle class anymore.
I saw 2 boxes of VERY OLD 87gr SP .240 Wby Mag ammo (40 rounds) on auction for $200 and people were bidding higher! WTH??? I will just switch to another rifle until some folks' faculties return. What gets me is how do the individuals (not businesses, usually) find this stuff to extort money for? I see them with 4 boxes of something for $600 and sometimes 10 boxes or multiple cases for well into the 4-figure range. When I see a case of ammo going for a crazy price, I automatically think they must me affiliated with a gun shop somewhere.

Making it available is starting it at $0 and/or making a "Buy Now" in the realm of plausibility ensuring all their costs including sell fees are covered. But when they ask $5 - $8 a round starting bid and it's not a big Weatherby magnum, .50 cal, Cheytac, or Barrett round or some similar African cartridge, that's replacing ethics with greed. Or put another way, profit is their ethics. Sadly, most (all?) companies in the free world would do the same in the absence of competition, no matter what the product or service.
Shelf costs for what I call non-common calibers are insane. Never mind if you can find it. That's why I have been loading my own for all my non-common rifles. Even then component cost is crazy.