Shooters that do not hunt?

I'm surprised at the number of shooters I encounter that do not go hunting. They've either given it up for various reasons or never hunted to begin with, they enjoy shooting by its own merit.
I'll admit I'm not the diehard I used to be, age takes it's toll on the body. I still enjoy getting outdoors and Fall is my favorite time of year.
I started in hunting. And did so for 30+ years. Injuries I incurred when I was in the AF stopped me. Only hunted a handful of times since I retired. I miss the smell of fall campfires, outdoor experience, and the thrill of the hunt. But I still reload and shoot at the range. I'll be in my death bed before I give that up.
👍🏼 It happens when we get older and have killed enough. We get more selective on what we shoot. I'm not packing a small buck out of the mountains. If I needed one that bad there's easier places to shoot. But you don't find the big ones there. If I see some deer, even just some doe's I'm happy enough.
Love your golden retriever avatar ❤️
Full disclosure- I had to give up on the bloodlust because I've always been one of those "Special People" who are looking left when the herd walks by 20 yards to my right.
Being deaf as a post since birth hasnt helped....
Full disclosure- I had to give up on the bloodlust because I've always been one of those "Special People" who are looking left when the herd walks by 20 yards to my right.
Being deaf as a post since birth hasnt helped....
That's a sad deal... I'm only deaf in my left ear for about last 6 years. Right half gone. Wear hearing aide in it. I were protection when shooting but not hunting. Hell , I've had animals walk past me when I could hear 😉
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That's a sad deal... I'm only deaf in my left ear for about last 6 years. Right half gone. We're hearing aide in it. I were protection when shooting but not hunting. Hell , I've had animals walk past me when I could hear 😉
I should've added a 🤣🤣🤣 after that last post.
Yes, I have a hard time hearing but I really cant blame my lack of hunting ability on that.
I AM just one of those special people...🤣🤣🤣
True story- I have a very good friend who spent 20 years trying to help me shoot a whitetail with a bow.
One time, he took me out to this hunting area that he'd hunted for 30 years, told me which tree to put my stand in, told me where they would appear and where they would go- which would take them right under my stand.
It all went down EXACTLY as he said it would.

Problem was, I left my little camo fanny pack wrapped around the base of the tree. As they were about to get into range, one little fawn spotted that fanny pack. Her eyes followed up the tree and she took a step back when she saw that huge squirrel.
She stared at me for a bit, and then Mama noticed her staring. She followed her stare and then SHE took a step back.
The herd continued on towards me as Im trying my darnest to not move.
As they got closer, Mama started stomping and causing a rucus but they kept coming. They literally passed right below my stand.
Those 2 kept their eyes on me the entire time, and I never got a shot.
I don't know where Tom was during all this but he must have been close. He heard the commotion Mama made and asked "Why didnt you shoot!"

I've got a ton of very similar stories....

Yep, I can shoot paper and steel. Not much luck with anything else!
True story- I have a very good friend who spent 20 years trying to help me shoot a whitetail with a bow.
One time, he took me out to this hunting area that he'd hunted for 30 years, told me which tree to put my stand in, told me where they would appear and where they would go- which would take them right under my stand.
It all went down EXACTLY as he said it would.

Problem was, I left my little camo fanny pack wrapped around the base of the tree. As they were about to get into range, one little fawn spotted that fanny pack. Her eyes followed up the tree and she took a step back when she saw that huge squirrel.
She stared at me for a bit, and then Mama noticed her staring. She followed her stare and then SHE took a step back.
The herd continued on towards me as Im trying my darnest to not move.
As they got closer, Mama started stomping and causing a rucus but they kept coming. They literally passed right below my stand.
Those 2 kept their eyes on me the entire time, and I never got a shot.
I don't know where Tom was during all this but he must have been close. He heard the commotion Mama made and asked "Why didnt you shoot!"

I've got a ton of very similar stories....

Yep, I can shoot paper and steel. Not much luck with anything else!
Great story !
number of shooters I encounter that do not go hunting. They've either given it up for various reasons or never hunted to begin with, they enjoy shooting by its own merit.
I'll admit I'm not the diehard I used to be, age takes it's toll on the body. I still

yes, same here. Those that did not grow up in a hunting family seem to have no interest in starting.

That's simply not true. In fact, I should have been raised to hunt but my dad didn't have time. So when I got out of school, I taught myself (with more help from friends that I can state). I started with bow hunting and spent many years failing at it. I shot my first deer with a rifle but when I finally connected with stick and string, that memory will never fade. Most of my hunting is with a rifle these days.

One of my friends who helped me along that path has started working with a neighbor's kid whose dad has no interest in hunting. I gave him my first Mathews bow and was ecstatic when I got the pic of his first successful harvest with it.

My point is not to disparage your opinion. But please never think like "Those that did not grow up in a hunting family seem to have no interest in starting".

My point is that there are lots of us out there that really want to hunt but have never had someone willing to invest in us (if it wasn't our family).

Invest in those people. You may have to give away a lot of sausage before you find them, but it will be well worth it.
That's simply not true. In fact, I should have been raised to hunt but my dad didn't have time. So when I got out of school, I taught myself (with more help from friends that I can state). I started with bow hunting and spent many years failing at it. I shot my first deer with a rifle but when I finally connected with stick and string, that memory will never fade. Most of my hunting is with a rifle these days.

One of my friends who helped me along that path has started working with a neighbor's kid whose dad has no interest in hunting. I gave him my first Mathews bow and was ecstatic when I got the pic of his first successful harvest with it.

My point is not to disparage your opinion. But please never think like "Those that did not grow up in a hunting family seem to have no interest in starting".

My point is that there are lots of us out there that really want to hunt but have never had someone willing to invest in us (if it wasn't our family).

Invest in those people. You may have to give away a lot of sausage before you find them, but it will be well worth it.
Well said.
I started hunting when I was 10. It's 60 years later and I still enjoy hunting. I eat what I shoot. I really enjoy just shooting sometimes to see what I can get a gun to do.
I gave up bowling and golf to shoot trap. I enjoy hunting big game and small game. I paid for college with a trapline. I don't like to kill anything without a reason.
Over the years I've shot trap with a number of guys that didn't hunt. It's not for everyone. My friend who I often shoot with gave up hunting. He just didn't want to kill critters anymore. I respect that. His wife went with me to Wyoming last year and shot a cow elk.
I used to take my wife hunting but she never wanted to shoot anything. Most of the time I hunt with my shorthair pointer and she expects me to kill some birds. We make each other happy.
That's simply not true. In fact, I should have been raised to hunt but my dad didn't have time. So when I got out of school, I taught myself (with more help from friends that I can state). I started with bow hunting and spent many years failing at it. I shot my first deer with a rifle but when I finally connected with stick and string, that memory will never fade. Most of my hunting is with a rifle these days.

One of my friends who helped me along that path has started working with a neighbor's kid whose dad has no interest in hunting. I gave him my first Mathews bow and was ecstatic when I got the pic of his first successful harvest with it.

My point is not to disparage your opinion. But please never think like "Those that did not grow up in a hunting family seem to have no interest in starting".

My point is that there are lots of us out there that really want to hunt but have never had someone willing to invest in us (if it wasn't our family).

Invest in those people. You may have to give away a lot of sausage before you find them, but it will be well worth it.
My dad never hunted either. I learned on my own and with best friend together. We hunted together for 40 years until he got cancer and passed away. I too remember my first buck with a bow 👍🏼 the only one ! Have killed 5 cow elk and a bull with bow tho and 4 javalina. All were in Az. I haven't bow hunted in 5 yrs. Goodnight brothers . ❤️🇺🇲
Much cheaper and the opportunities are more plentiful to be just a shooter. The days of just walking out to the "back forty" and go hunting are a thing of the past. So sad and I am happy I had that gift in my lifetime.
X 100....not too sure what the the future holds for my Grand children now either....times have certainly changed and not for the Better!

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