Sendero STW


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
I am new to the STW. Getting ready to mount new glass. I have had it cerkoted and I love the stock and feel. Got my brass and going to start on loads. She hasn't been shot but 80 rounds before I got her. Here is a couple pics . Can someone tell me what its worth on the open market please?


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Just out of curiosity, and not trying to pry, but if you're planning on keeping it, why are you curious about current market value?
Well I done some research on it before I got it but it was a fast deal and just wondering if I made a good buy. I wont decide to keep it until I actually get to shoot it awhile.
Well if you want to sell it please call me. I would like a sendero STW to add to my collection. Gotta make butter, MUD, and wild proud. Along with the other brothers on the stw forum with at least one!!!!
Well if you want to sell it please call me. I would like a sendero STW to add to my collection. Gotta make butter, MUD, and wild proud. Along with the other brothers on the stw forum with at least one!!!!
IMO the Sendero models factory chambered in 7mm STW were the best of the best of all the factory offered rifles in that caliber. You just can't go wrong with one as long as it's not been burned-out.

Sadly though...I would say you can probably build a custom on a trued-up Rem 700 mag action, with an aftermarket barrel, and an original Sendero stock for less than it would cost to buy one pre-assembled from the factory.

I got lucky...I bought mine brand new when I worked at the gun store 12 years ago, so I got mine new, for about 1/3 of what they sell for used today. :D
This is what I have in it after adding the brake and cerkote. $1100
Good deal or bad deal? Like I stated before its been fired 80 rounds and yes I trust the guy I got it from on that! I have known him for years.
If it is a real Sendero, then I'd say you did good.

Basically there is no sort of book value for Senderos because it's basically what someone is willing to pay for one, is what it's worth. Especially since the market is not flooded with them, like it is in the other calibers. You will always be able to find .300 WM's, the RUM calibers, etc... But the 7mm calibers tend to be harder to find, because people tend to hang on to them because they shoot so well, and are hard to find.
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