Seems like.......


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2010
Weatherford, Oklahoma
Seems like many threads, especially in the "Rifles, Reloading, Optic, Equipment" section, are getting run off the rails lately. Things getting interjected into a thread that have little or no bearing on the initial thought that brought the thread about, to begin with. More than usual, it seems to me. Any thoughts?
I agree, there has been a lot more. "IMHO .... " comments that spur wildfires.

My deduction is that you are seeing a result of folks not being able to get it out of their system at their local diner or bar because COVID shut them down. It's human nature to have opinion based discussions and sometimes even friendly disagreements. The problem is that written text is a horrible medium for that because we can't see faces, can't interpret sarcasm and most people are a bit edgier than normal due to social tensions. It seems that the whole nation is a tinder box full of emotion. Not good conditions for people to only have forum/social media outlets as their primary source of interaction.

I've doubled down on seeking and participating in face to face interaction with friends. Typically I wouldn't dare venture out camping on holiday weekends because of the crowds, but this year we are organizing small groups to camp with just to get ourselves and our kids some actual interaction.
Funny, I don't notice.
I grew up in a house where at the dinner table, of seven or eight people sitting there, five conversations would be happening at the same time.
Irritability and insistence on a specific opinion are a whole 'nutter thing.
Advice? Ignore that which isn't germane, and if the train is running off the rails, grab a bag of @FEENIX 's popcorn.
You mean I bought that borescope for no reason?
Baby laghing.gif
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