Scattergun Bobcat


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2011
Lynchburg, TN
A hunting buddy and I scouted a place for coyote hunting yesterday. Found some good spots but didn't stop to hunt any of them. Thirty minutes before dark I took him to a spot that I knew had coyotes. We put out a FoxPro call and a Primos Sit-and-Spin decoy. Five minutes into the set a bobcat shows up 100 yards away at the far edge of the field and sits down. We're both carrying shotguns, so he's safe, for now. We call to him for ten minutes, changing sounds 3-4 times but he just sits there. Coyotes are howling all around us. We turn down the volumn hoping they won't come in and bust the cat. A couple minutes later the big cat darts back into the woods. I figure a coyote has come in so I scan the field with my binoculars. In the fading light I spot a dark shape, off to my right, hugging the groud and slinking toward the decoy. I alert my buddy and start easing my Benelli SBE II to my shoulder. The cat is making little short spurts toward his intended dinner. At 10 yards from the decoy, and 35 yards from me, my buddy says shoot him, so I touch the trigger. The 3.5" Remington HD T shot slams him to the ground.
We leave the call on for a few more minutes to see if we might call the first cat back in, but no go. The cat was a beautiful, chunky female. Great end to a good day.


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