Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2003
Washington State
Follow the Palin Family as they do all sorts of illiberal things in their gorgeous state of Alaska.

See wild animals in their natural surroundings

Watch as the Palins disturb the environment with gillnets, shovels and firearms collecting various flora and fauna on your TV in the interest of survival while infuriating animal rights and enviro wackos no end.


(Don't worry they will probably dispatch 300 game wardens there to check for any violations of the statutes.)
It's an interesting show. I taped all 4 episodes. I liked the last one where she hunted with her dad the best, in spite of her seeming unfamiliarity with the bolt action rifle ( or perhaps just an overly doting dad). But thats just me. It's basically like watching your own home movies with all the mistakes silliness and faux pas left in for effect. Do they do everything the way we would But it's a good snapshot of their family life and times. It certainly is not as bad as 90% of the so called family or made up 'reality' trash that's on tv. Does it change my own mind that she SHOULDN'T be the next Republican pres it doesnt. But in spite of all the gunstocks being too long for the ladies (no gunsmiths in Wasilla?) in the show and the appearance (IMHO) that the ladies need just a BIT more firearms training, it's still a decent family show. It confirms my convictions that Sarah Palin is a wonderful gracious and somewhat nieve lady who maybe should have sat in the AK Govs chair for a few more years before taking in the liars lawyers and politicos in unWash DC. It also confirms my belief that there are no better ambassadors for the beauty and danger of AK than Sarah Palin and Larry Csonka.
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I liked that they didn't edit out all the misses in the hunting episode. It would have been easy to make it look as if she was a crack shot but they didn't. Seemed genuine. I also like that it infuriated the libtards and some of the rediculous comments they make exposing themselves for the idiots they are.

"You weren't killing that animal for food or shelter or even fashion, you were killing it for fun," he wrote. "You enjoy killing animals."
Arron Sorkin

This despite them prominently showing them process the meat and put it in the freezer. Not to mention that he implies that had it been for "fashion" then it would have been OK. I guess it's OK to kill animals to make overprice hand bags, belts and shoes but not to feed your family. What a D-bag.

Seeing Palin kill that moose,a creature with a far higher I Q, inspired hate for her beyond what even I thought I was capable of.
Bill Maher

That wasn't a moose D-bag, what is his IQ? I'm sure he thinks it's higher than every hunter's. I doubt he's capable of much, the law of natural selection would eliminate him from the gene pool in a better world.
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It's an interesting show. I taped all 4 episodes. I liked the last one where she hunted with her dad the best, in spite of her seeming unfamiliarity with the bolt action rifle ( or perhaps just an overly doting dad). But thats just me. It's basically like watching your own home movies with all the mistakes silliness and faux pas left in for effect. Do they do everything the way we would But it's a good snapshot of their family life and times. It certainly is not as bad as 90% of the so called family or made up 'reality' trash that's on tv. Does it change my own mind that she SHOULDN'T be the next Republican pres it doesnt. But in spite of all the gunstocks being too long for the ladies (no gunsmiths in Wasilla?) in the show and the appearance (IMHO) that the ladies need just a BIT more firearms training, it's still a decent family show. It confirms my convictions that Sarah Palin is a wonderful gracious and somewhat nieve lady who maybe should have sat in the AK Govs chair for a few more years before taking in the liars lawyers and politicos in unWash DC. It also confirms my belief that there are no better ambassadors for the beauty and danger of AK than Sarah Palin and Larry Csonka.
I think Sara would make a great president. I mean dig it man, how could she be any worse than the current progressive marxist idiot in the White House, who ignores the national debt, has blocked immigration reform (at the perl of the national security of the United States) Wants to read captured goat fuckers their rights, wants to close Gitmo and on and on and on, it just gets better and better. Not to mention our trade dealings with China, I mean who is minding the store? China is getting away with murder and killing the US balance of trade and the US dollar on the world market. I mean where is that goofs mind? He has wrecked medical care in the US, thank god I left and immigrated to Canada. I feel sorry for all US residents and citizens.
Can't wait for the next show were she goes CAMPING with Kate Gosselin and her eight kid's and how freaked out Kate gets on the camping trip.
Can't wait for the next show were she goes CAMPING with Kate Gosselin and her eight kid's and how freaked out Kate gets on the camping trip.

I think that one was a mistake on Sarah's part, and I'm sort of dreading it. The top three people she shouldn't be seen standing beside would have to be Nadia Suleyman (the octomom), Kate Gosslein and Charles Manson . . . in no particular order.

I let myself get political....So I deleted original comment.

Suffice it to say I like any show that is pro hunting and responsable safe handling of guns.
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Watched the show last night, and enjoyed it as usual. What a great spokesperson for Alaska she is. As far as Kate Gosslein goes, looks like I was right in my earlier assesment. Never watched her show or followed the marital disenchantment from her husband, but if her attitude shown on Sarah's show wsas typical, my only question for him would be, "dude, *** did you ever see in her, and why did it take you so long to bail!?" What a royal PItA!
As far as Kate Gosslein goes, she is a typical SOCAL hot house plant and doesn't do well in the cold and rain. Didn't like guns nohow! I once took one of those Dolls out in my boat (9 x 27, 600 hp). She didn't like the bounce and demanded I take her back in. So I did. Just fine laying on the motor cover sunning herself but not a boater.

Also finally saw the "moose hunt" episode. Made Sarah look a little incompetant, firing five shots. The old man took a hell of a tumble and nobody thought to recheck his zero??? Couldn't understand that Caribou standing there like a dumb prairie dog too. I was almost screaming at the TV while Sarah pulled off her "TOP SHOT ACT!"

Sarah did really well with the combat shotgun. Very impressed with non lethal technology.

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I can understand taking 5 shots at a moose. Sometimes when you shoot em they dont know they been shot. They will just stand there and look at you even though their heart and lungs are lying 20 feet on the other side of em. Takes a big animal like a moose a while to figure out he is dead, I have seen that many, many times.
Then other times of course they are dead right there right now. Moose are courious critters for sure. No excuse for not re-checking zero though, or using another rifle. Sometimes you do not want to fire your rifle in your hunting area. If she had rechecked her zero she might have scared off the moose she was finally able to shoot.

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