Salmon, it's what's for dinner ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT
Salmon 1 of 3.jpg
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Salmon 3 of 3.jpg

Fatty salmon belly sashimi, sushi rice, wasabi, pickled ginger, sriracha, and seaweed laver.
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What kind of salmon?
Raw/mostly raw is the best way for salmon in my book. Unless you're making Eskimo candy with it 😉

My favorite up here is making grav lox with fresh caught reds.

Nice looking dinner! 👨‍🍳
What kind of salmon?
Raw/mostly raw is the best way for salmon in my book. Unless you're making Eskimo candy with it 😉

My favorite up here is making grav lox with fresh caught reds.

Nice looking dinner! 👨‍🍳

King Salmon. Yep, I prefer mine raw, the buttery fatty flavor rocks.

No fat as seen in #1, you can have it. 😇
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