QAD rest

Mike K/NJ

Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2006
New Jersey
Now that hunting season is over , I am thinking about installing the drop away rest on my Tac. I have a question for those that have one already. Was it worth it? Did it improve shooting and accuracy enough to justify the cost?
Now that hunting season is over , I am thinking about installing the drop away rest on my Tac. I have a question for those that have one already. Was it worth it? Did it improve shooting and accuracy enough to justify the cost?
I feel the drop away rest was worth it. But because I made numerous improvements to my TAC 15, including changing arrow vanes, I can not contribute all improved shooting accuracy to drop away rest.

The key improvement with drop away rest is vanes are no longer being shoved through brushes of whisker biscuit. My arrow vanes are no longer being re-shaped on launch and are not being brushed off arrows.

In hind sight, I should have measured arrow velocities before and after with same arrows to see if going to drop away increased arrow velocities.
Okie, Thanks for your reply. I have the "new and unimproved" Tac Elite. Im on the fence, weather or not to spend any more money on this thing.
I have the "new and unimproved" Tac Elite. Im on the fence, weather or not to spend any more money on this thing.
If I owned a TAC Elite, I would not make any changes to it, until the existing issues were resolved. Whether that be by PSE or by me or both. You don't want to fight existing problems mixed with a new problem. And there is possibility manufacture will say you voided warranty.

BTW: I feel for TAC Elite owners. I know what it is like to own a very expensive piece of equipment (5 times cost of a TAC), from a name brand manufacture, and have problems that are 1) random, 2) flaky, 3) factory quality/defect, 4) fan boys deny, and 5) go unresolved.
My Elite was in for the recall repair and the problem still exists, just to a lesser degree. I was hoping the drop away would improve things just a little more.

What problem still exists?

Andy, I'm still getting fletching contact. But it's not as severe as before the recall. I'm a little picky about tuning my equipment, and the best I can get is a 5/8 to 3/4 inch tear during paper tuning. Trying to adjust the whisker biscuit is a real pain as I'm sure you know. I was hoping the drop away would help.
Andy, I'm still getting fletching contact.
Unless the Whisker Biscuit is somehow causing the fletching contact, replacing whisker biscuit with a drop-away rest won't help. In my experience a whisker biscuit tends to correct for some bow problems.

For example: A bow with weak limb, which induced twisting action in bow, and showed up as center-shot tuning problem. No amount of adjusting the arrow rests (tried several) could produce a center shot. Even when archer was eliminated by using a mechanical shooting machine, bow would still twist. Anyway, the whisker biscuit produced the smallest amount of tearing, still an unacceptable amount for hunting.

The Whisker Biscuit seems to make paper tuning easier even though it's harder to make fine adjustments. It sounds to me like you need to adjust the twists in the lower yoke cables. If you have a low tear you would add twist. If you have a high tear you would remove twist. Try 1/2 twist at a time. You'll need a bow press. If you want, you can send your prod to me and I'll paper tune it for you.

Andy, Thanks for the generous offer, but turkey season is just about to start here and I don't want to take any chances and be without my bow. So I'll do the work myself.
Here's an update, the turkey season went well with a 23.5 lb. bird with a 9.5 inch beard. After the season closed I bought and installed the QAD drop away on my Elite. The paper tuning went flawless with near perfect bullet holes at 10 yards with a bare shaft. And the little bit of vane contact I still had after the recall is now gone. After almost a year, I finally feel good about the Elite.


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