Predator calling


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2015
My 16yr old son decided to go out coyote calling last night on a full moon with fresh snow cover. We live in central MN dairy farm county and there's always coyotes around. The walk from the back door of our house to his intended post on a fence line is about 1/2 mile across a picked corn field. As he approached the half way mark of his walk he came across what appears to be bear or maybe cougar tracks. Round in appearance, about the size of your hand with fingers extended. Both bear and cougars are very rare where we live. I'm doubtful they would attack him but he felt a little uneasy about the situation and decided to try hunting another time.
Over my years of calling I've called in coyotes and fox, (many within shotgun range), farm dogs, owls, and deer.
How about you…. What unique predator calling situations have you experienced? Any unexpected visitors? Any close calls?


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I've been calling predators for over 40 years, in those years the smallest predator I've called in was a Pine Martin, the largest a black bear, on more than one occasion I've had five coyotes respond, twice I've had Mountain lions respond and twice I've had black bear come in, because of the two large predators coming in I no longer hunt at night, each time one of the large predators responded it was during the witching hour, last stand of the day, when one calls coyotes that coyote thinks you are its next meal, wether you are or you arent is not really in question, however when it came to the big cats or the bears that outcome is suddenly open to debate, the large predators are also the reason I no longer use a 17 when calling in certain areas.
I've called in moose , bear , mountain lion, owls , all kinds of birds of prey , badgers , mink and least weasels , antelope ,deer , elk , cows horses guard dogs and lamas . Some come to kick butt and some come to see what is going on like ambulance chasers and some come because I wanted to see if I could call them . I call mostly during day light hours so I don't need lights to see what is out there and that's when I worked at predator control . But one needs to keep in mind I hunted coyote and other predators at least 2000 hours a year for over 36 years unlike most people that are pleasure hunters and spend a few days out of the year doing it . .
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I called in the neighbors from a quarter mile away. I could see the house from my land. Normally the house was empty but they decided to come up for the weekend which I didn't know. I am calling and I spotted them slowly making their way towards whatever animal they thought was in distress. I stopped calling and they kept coming. I finally had to stand up and let them know the dying rabbit was me.
Kinda the spookiest thing I've called in. I don't hear well so rely on sight so I sat down against the end of a fallen tree and had a great view left, right and out in front of me. An inch or 2 of fresh snow on the ground. Thought or felt like I heard something during the set but never saw a thing. When I got up to leave there was a fresh set of bobcat tracks. They came down the fallen tree to within 3 feet of the back of my head and turned around and left the same way they came. Not life threatening but I was always happy they chose leave instead of grab.

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