Powder color change

Varmint Hunter

Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2001
Long Island, New York
I typically keep 2 lbs of powder on hand for each powder that I use, an open can and a replacement can. Occasionally, if a can is getting low I may dump the powder into the new can if the dates of purchase are close.

Yesterday, the can of H4198 was running low and I grabbed the new can. Looking at the remains of one can and the newly open can, I noticed that the powder in one can was greenish like Varget appears. The powder in the newer can was jet black like most powders appear.

The 2 cans were purchased 2 years apart from my LGS who moves a lot of powder.

Anyone have an idea why there would be a change like this ? I have never noticed this in decades of reloading.
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