PA elk guide


Active Member
Dec 2, 2013
Nazareth, PA
Good evening, fortunately Saturday afternoon I was informed I was drawn for a Pennsylvania cow elk tag. Not really interested in a long range friendly(my skills aren't there for anything over 400 on game yet) but a suggestion (if anyone has one) for a guide. Not comfortable doing a self guided hunt in an unfamiliar area with what could be a once in a lifetime tag. Thanks
I don't know any guides to recommend , but I want to say congratulations on drawing the tag . you've gotta be stoked . I'd almost bet the guides will be contacting you , trying to sell their services . good luck !
Congrats. I drew a bull tag in 04. I did the DIY route. But while scouting I did run into the Elk County Outfitter guys. Jack runs a first rate operation. Look him up and give him a call. Oh ya I shot a 407 5/8 7x7..
Congrats. I drew a bull tag in 04. I did the DIY route. But while scouting I did run into the Elk County Outfitter guys. Jack runs a first rate operation. Look him up and give him a call. Oh ya I shot a 407 5/8 7x7..

Cool thank you. I would like to try it myself but I work a pretty crazy schedule and don't have a lot of time to scout.
Well I talked to Elk County Outfitters this afternoon. Very nice guy looking forward to speaking with him again tonight. Now the big question is which rifle is getting called up to the big leagues. Unfortunately I don't have anything ready to hunt that is Elk legal. Probably just take my 700 SPS in 300 WSM. Been contemplating on an shv to put on top of that.
Your WSM will do just fine. I killed my bull with a 338 win mag that my parents gave me as a high school graduation gift. I also killed my first bull ever in Idaho with the same gun in 1983.

Let me know how things work out with the ECO guys. I know they have help lucky hunters knock down a bunch of PA elk.
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