Nightforce Ballistic Program Q's??


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2007
Townsend, Montana.
Ok, I bought this program and have been using it. I just am not sure I am using it the best way in terms of "field Condition Data"

I want to just use the Pressure and not the altitude. Is that the most accurate way?

To do this do I just put a 0 in altitude, UNcheck " Calculate Standard Pressure" and enter the Pressure from my Kestrel?

Thanks for any advice on this. I just want make sure this is the best way.

Broz, the way I understand it yes you are doing it correctly. Also make sure you set your Kestrel to station pressure by setting the reference altitude to 0.

I think I said that right.
Ok, I bought this program and have been using it. I just am not sure I am using it the best way in terms of "field Condition Data"

I want to just use the Pressure and not the altitude. Is that the most accurate way?

To do this do I just put a 0 in altitude, UNcheck " Calculate Standard Pressure" and enter the Pressure from my Kestrel?

Thanks for any advice on this. I just want make sure this is the best way.


You're useing it right. But as stated already,make sure you adjust your Kestrel to zero to get station pressure not corrected pressure.

Another thing that will make it more accurate sometimes is trajectory validation. We didn't get around to showing you that when you were here but if the program is predicting your come ups high or low concistantly use that to bring things into alignment.
You're useing it right. But as stated already,make sure you adjust your Kestrel to zero to get station pressure not corrected pressure.

Another thing that will make it more accurate sometimes is trajectory validation. We didn't get around to showing you that when you were here but if the program is predicting your come ups high or low concistantly use that to bring things into alignment.

Ok, TRGR, we need to talk about this Trajectory Validation. my 500's and 1000's are not in line with each other.:D
Your using it right. Sometimes things just don't line up as they should. You can try playing w/the scope height above the bore and maybe the bc of the bullet to get things just right. Most of the time ballistics programs are best used to get us close. Then we need to get out and shoot to verify things.
Most of the time ballistics programs are best used to get us close. Then we need to get out and shoot to verify things.

I have been shooting every Sunday. That is how I know the program is off at 1000 when sighted in and corrected at 500. Yeserday I has shooting out to 820. The rifle will repeat very consistantly at 1000. I just need to get the program matched to the rifle. I want many logged 1 time hits at given ranges before I try to take any game. That is why I shoot every week.

Thanks for all the input guys!

OK, so I got my Kestrel 2500nv today and I want to make it read station pressure. If I understand you all correctly, all I have to do is, go to the "baro" screen,, press both arrows simultaneously,, and set the altitude ref. to "0" ,, which it already was. Then press both arrows simultaneously again to exir set up. Then when I will get actual station pressure readings on the "baro" screen.

You got it. This is from their website.
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