Nightforce 25.8 million dollar contract

I have been waiting for this. It was only a matter of time before the Military brought these scopes into the armory!
Thanks for posting this. They are big, bulky, heavy and expensive but they sure are nice scopes. I also wonder if this will affect civilian market prices.
I do not know what effect it will have the prices of new models, but it will certainly have a tremendous effect on availability, and that will drive up the price of used models.
It's a good thing for my home town here in Orofino, we have one of the highest unemployment rates for a county in Idaho. They are already one of the best paying place's here so lets hope they keep hiring more people to keep up with the civilian and military demand.
Great news but not surprising. I too wonder about where it may drive prices...I'm just glad I got my new 12-42x a few weeks ago before prices go up.
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