Niccolo Machiavelli and guns 1469 - 1527, diplomat, advisor, & student of politics


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2020
Montana - Suburbia
The Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli

I first read this stuff while in high school upon urging of older family members who knew about the consequences of being weak, helpless, and ignorant. It was required on-the job reading later.

Not exactly smooth writing/reading as it was probably a direct translation.

"I conclude, therefore, that no state. unless it have its own arms, is secure. Indeed it is a hostage to fortune, having no trustworthy power to defend it in adversity. It has always been the expressed opinion of wise men '...that nothing is so weak and unstable as a reputation for power which is not based on one's own strength'. By one's own forces, I mean, those composed of subjects, citizens, or dependents. All others are either mercenary or auxiliary."

The well organized militia fits into this. An armed population ensures good treatment from rulers.

Edit: This stuff is incredibly difficult to read and it continually references real bad examples of treachery & conflict and is geared to provide number 1, the prince, with advice how to survive. Except for the outright brutality, if which happened today would result with blood on the floors of congress, things are sort of the same. I periodically go thru it to get a feeling of how bad stuff happens and see how leaders survive.
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