New info on Chronic Wasting Disease

Old Rooster

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2019
Just found this my wife read it first about Chronic Wasting Disease:

Just found this my wife read it first about Chronic Wasting Disease:

I posted this a few weeks ago. Rooster be careful what you post off of the internet. This Forum has some members that like to Kill the Messenger on stories like in the Roman days.
I just saw that a few hours ago…..getting a bit scary! It's pretty much everywhere in Wyoming……and in several different species of game!

Though as previously mentioned, we bone out all of our meat…..and don't eat the brain!

I understand that it causes seizures and twitches……now I have an excuse for misses! 😂 memtb
Ok, let's all take deep breath. There is NO causal definitive link. Actual real science is no longer a standard that researchers honor and are compelled to follow as personal ethics and integrity.

CWD was first identified in 1960!. So 60+ years later, studied to absolute death, these researchers have now determined there is a link? BS. This is complete garbage science, heck, not even science. IMO, designed to attack hunting not providing any actual science whatsoever.

This is no difference than the "science" in last several years. Every "coronavirus" was "presumed" covid completely disregarding true science. Just because a "disease" is based upon a protein prion, it DOES NOT mean the diseases are commonly linked. Again, sensationalized science or National Inquirer headline UFO type BS.

There will be more of these garbage studies to stack deer hunting with hope to reduce participation. These are well designed attacks on the hunting heritage.

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