New 338 build (338 Sin}


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2007
Granbury, Texas
Here is the list of parts;
Donor action is a Savage 110 pre accu-trigger action.
K&P 26" SS barrel (chambered in 338 Sin)
1/10" Twist
Varmint contour
Target recessed crown
Standard shank
Radial muzzle brake
330 Dakota brass (100 pcs)
FL 338 Sin die

All for under a grand, wahoo, can't wait to get this put together.

Now to start looking for the glass.It will be a Vortex, likely a 6X24X50 Viper HS-T.

Still thinking on the stock, but have some time to digest my options.

Devin has my CC number, ready to box up the action and bolt so he can head space the new barrel and open up the bolt face a wee bit. Should be about 8 weeks and I will get to working up a new load. My gut says go with the 250 grn Berger Elite but may also look at Cutting edge 225 grn bullets as well??? I guess i will have to work up a load for both.


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Keep us posted. I was pretty interested about that chambering but heard Sin Arms got busy and I haven't heard much about it.
Yes he is really busy, but I was intrigued by the cartridge and finally pulled the trigger to put one together. I really didn't need a 338, but as I keep telling the wife, need has nothing to do with getting another gun. My wife is the one that pushed me over the edge to just do it. I love that woman.
Just sent my action bolt and nut to Sin Arms so he can open up the bolt and head space the new barrel. Should be another 5 weeks before the barrels is in. Hope to be developing a load by this summer. If I get drawn for New Mexico deer this fall, it might get the nod for its first hunt.
The design never changed, just the brass.

It was easier to make the brass starting with the Dakota. The only issue was the larger rim diameter.

I was the one who formed the first 338 Sin brass. It was a bit complicated because the brass would buckle when trying to push the shoulder back and go from 30 to 40 degrees at the same time.

I modified a set of 338RUM dies and ruined a 300wsm chamber reamer to make it work.

He worked on some hydro-forming dies for a while as well but that went away when he started using the Dakota brass.

He was also supposed to send me a barrel and dies to do some long range testing, but that never happened either.
Ok so a .338 Norma/ultra mag performance in a standard magnum length/bolt head design? That sounds a like a win win to me.
Update on build.
Ordered Richard's Micro Fit Thumb hole stock. It's been on order now for 2 months, they did charge my cards about two weeks ago so should be in production and shipped within the month. Lol.
Ordered scope from CamerlandNY, Vortex HS-T 6x24x50 about 70 days ago, so maybe another 30 days I will get a scope. I am not holding my breath. They let me know it is a 4-5 month wait after they took my money.

Last but not least after waiting 8 weeks and thinking K&P barrel should be in and getting chambered, found out the barrel had not arrived yet and gunsmith says barrel manufacture was not returning calls or emails. So ordered a different barrel (Brux this time). Now get to wait another 6 weeks before this barrel get in (will see).

Next time I need a gunsmith for a wildcat I plan on gathering all the pieces first then sending everything in at one time to manage the parts better. That way if I am not getting parts as promised I know and can get a handle on it.

Biggest thing that would make this whole thing better is for the suppliers of parts or services toby just communicated a little. I think most of us just want to know where we are in the process and definitely in this case I could have saved a few weeks if I had know my barrel had not come in and could have changed horses qicker?
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