Never Doing This Again. Wasn't Thinking!

Hahahahaha silly rookie 😂😂😂

Kidding. Seriously, that sucks.

I'm on a PA classifieds site, and quickly learned to spell out parts of the number, list area code backwards, etc to prevent that. It's a little "hokey" looking but on that site that's mostly how people list their contact info. I feel sorry for the poor bugger who has my number with reversed area code 😂😂😂
So, list my phone number in a post last night. Today I have been inundated with scam calls from all over the world. @ButterBean this happen to you too? I guess they'll dwindle after a while since I won't answer. Geez them BOTS!
So annoying! I've never had this but last summer my wife kept getting calls from Zimbabwe, Cambodia, India, Saudi Arabia…
It's your long lost uncle, wanting to pass along his millions in inheritance!!! Probably has a bunch of 8lb jugs of retumbo too 🤣
That guy can go fly a kite…remember a while back when there was no goshdarn toilet paper…pretty sure he's the reason why. That long lost uncle is full of…well you know…
So, list my phone number in a post last night. Today I have been inundated with scam calls from all over the world. @ButterBean this happen to you too? I guess they'll dwindle after a while since I won't answer. Geez them BOTS!
No name, No message, No bother, I get tons of them, Hey did you know the warranty on your vehicle is about to expire ?
Oh, I lucked out soooo much though! I got a call on the bike I'm selling. The guy offered me 5K more than my asking price and the freight company is coming tomorrow to pick it up and give me the check. Inflation I guess....
I got one a while back…someone was very worried, because my social security number was hacked. To verify they were talking to the real me they needed me to confirm my social security number. Never mind that in Canada we call it a social insurance number (it's the same thing but I wasted the callers time for awhile trying to convince them I didn't have a social security number haha, just screwing with them)
That went over my head, but I gave them all my banking information, SSN, address, and will leave the front door unlocked for them to get the keys. I won't be home.
I knew you had to be joking
Now that happened to a female employee and the check bounced 3 days later actually the day the transport company was picking it up. Only issue she spent some before it bounced
I got one a while back…someone was very worried, because my social security number was hacked. To verify they were talking to the real me they needed me to confirm my social security number. Never mind that in Canada we call it a social insurance number (it's the same thing but I wasted the callers time for awhile trying to convince them I didn't have a social security number haha, just screwing with them)
I've got that one a few times. I don't usually answer from unknown numbers but they seem to call while I'm waiting for a return call from like the chiropractor or something.

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