Mushroom hunting

Are you hunting the ones with purple under the cap?
You can legally buy those in CO now if you are into that

Magic mushrooms grow in the cow pastures here in Alabama. So I'm told!
I seen that the price of chanterelle mushrooms were about $50 for 8 oz and thought it might be a way to make a little extra money. If chanterelle's are $50 I can't imagine how much these magical mushrooms would go for for?
And no cohunt I'm not into that. I'm high on life!
Had a pretty decent spring for morels this year by me, found about 8 lbs, my favorite wild mushroom.

Hen of the woods is another easy to find mushroom and excellent eater as well and they can get big, 18 lbs is the biggest one I've found. They dry and freeze well also.

Giant puff balls, shaggy mane, chanterelles, oysters and boulettes are others that I've found and eaten. Chanterelles are awesome...

I have a great puffball soup recipe that I make every fall and then freeze a bunch for gravy stock.
We specifically go out to find them. Usually try to do a camping trip at the same time. This year wasn't the greatest…

Hen of the woods is another easy to find mushroom and excellent eater as well and they can get big, 18 lbs is the biggest one I've found. They dry and freeze well also.
18 pounds is big!
Someone else found my honey hole for hen of the woods last year and took all of them. I would stop by and check on them every couple days and then they were gone! A couple weren't much bigger than softball size. I will be searching for a new spot this fall.
We specifically go out to find them. Usually try to do a camping trip at the same time. This year wasn't the greatest…

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It was spotty around here this spring also. I chased a couple deer out of the their mushroom spot to get these. I took enough to go with a couple deer steaks for me and the wife and left the rest for the deer.


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I like to pick fall and winter mushrooms, I don't make it out much in the spring.....Chanterelles, Lobsters, cauliflower, and oyster mushrooms are the main targets. I'm a opportunistic picker, but when the Lobsters are ripe we try hit them hard. Cauliflowers are cool because there a late season mushroom, and they grow back every year so I grab them while elk hunting on the same hunts.
I was out on a dual purpose trip this morning.
I've got a fellow member stopping by for a couple days of turkey hunting in a couple weeks so figured I would look for some birds and mushrooms.
I didn't hear any birds but did find some morels. Been tough going with the mushrooms since we've been getting some frosting.
Edit to add: these are going to get sautéed and then eaten with some elk backstrap tomorrow. 😋


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We should start seeing these between May 10th and May 20th in the mountains. View attachment 567466
I had them growing beside my house. Under a large Pine tree. I couldn't give them away. I found some for my Dad when younger. And after he stank the house up cooking them. I didn't find anymore. And if something stinks that bad when cooking I surely don't want to eat it. lol