Montana Wolf hunters!

We have the Y2Y group of clowns running up here in Alberta and BC Canada,,, they turned our Southern zone call the Castle just north of Waterton National Park into a super park area,,, so you folks south of the 49th parallel will soon see lots of Wolves coming your way...

Don't be surprised if the wolf and big game hunting in Montana and Idaho comes to an end...

The Y2Y wants the Yukon to Yellowstone park idea in the worst way,,, and they have an endless purse-string finances backed up by some pretty rich folks in the USA.

The next 7 park ideas are Peace River area, the Big Horn,,, Tumbler Ridge all the way south to the US Boarder,,, pretty much all the the Rocky Mountains with it angling Easterly towards Yellowstone...

Sad day if it goes through.

Just like a scab, pick pick.
I realize that Muley comes off as rather caustic, but I agree with him that we need to look at all the sources not just the ones we agree with. Otherwise we are only arguing using emotions instead of facts- just like the wolf huggers.
My phone wont open links for some reason, so I havent read them. But I still encourage you to look at all info you can.
Hell, if nothing else, it'll show you what the other side is going to use in their arguments.
Pockets I've been there done that so to speak. The facts I deal with are the ones I see with my own eyes and hear with my own ears not articles that are often slanted to one side. In the Bozeman article did it mention one thing about predation? Nope just winter the reason elk herd is down. Year after year I here about hunter success rate down because of one reason or another never predation.
Theres to much snow not enough snow blah, blah, blah. There was an agreement 25 years ago to have x amount of wolves, yet we have about 7 times that many and numbers keep going up, and all our F@G does is come up with excuse to NOT try and reduce numbers this is a fact not in some article I have heard it with my own ears. Like I said in a previous post there used to be about 200 people show up every year at the Bi annual meeting in Kalispell, last one about 12. Just about every hunter I talk to has lost all faith in our region 1 officials.
Pockets there was no reintroduction, the wolf was here in region 1 already. Steve will know were I'm talking about. Right out what used to be Lost Trail Ranch and now Lost Trail Refuge I used to spent a ton of time out there when it was a ranch and knew the guys working there. they told me about the wolves around there in 1991 and took me and showed me were there dens were. Long time rancher Bob Monk in Lost Praire shot the first one around 1990 getting into his cows and called F@G to come and get it, that's when they finally admitted to wolves being there. Dan Deyong out at island lake had a biologist stay with him in the spring to track there movements.
So as you can see the So called reintroduction to Montana is pure B.S
Yes we had them showing up here long before the famed wolves were forced to live in Yellowstone.

If they are not being controlled in any way to the north of us it is hard to say what we will see in the future. Really comes down to the predator prey ratio.

Used to shoot gophers out there when it was a ranch!
Don't over look cats,,, they are know as fresh meat eaters,,, """Normally""" that is.

Sometimes the cats do the take down,,, then the Wolves show up after the fact,,, of course this is not a always.

Wolves take the blame since those are the most tracks seen at the site,,, it takes a keen eye to spot 1 or more cat tracks in a mix of wolf tracks...

Let's not forget Grizzly Bears either,,, the numbers on them are going up north of the 49th,,, Grizzly might not be fast,,, but they can out walk most humans and furry critters even if it takes 2 to 3 days... The old Boars and Sows are pretty smart at this.

Last tracks at the kill site is one thing,,, its the first tracks that show signs of what's really going on.

Alway more wrong then wrong. LOL
Saw my 1st wolf in the late 80's near Stryker. Next one was on Chief Joseph pass in the early 90's. I am pretty sure they were not "introduced" or "planted" monster Canada tundra wolves. They were just wolves that started showing up. Now they are more abundant.

I don't think FWP is hiding data. If they throw out numbers that they can not prove in court against the anti's then everything gets shut down and they will fall under full protection again. Proving predator numbers is difficult. MT is under attack every year by anti's demanding proof of predator numbers. If FWP can't prove the numbers then we fall under court orders shutting down hunting until numbers can be proven. California lost their predator rights this way.
I have a nephew who is a biologist in another state that has wolves and alot of mountain lions. His job is to collar and collect data on them. I believe him way more what happens with the wolf and Mt.Lion than I do from what I here from our F@G. and articles in newspapers.
The thing that P.M.O. is last year the F@G said there were 7,000 elk in the Yellowstone herd now theres I think this year 5,300. O.k let's use there own # a wolf eats 2 elk per month on avg. year around and let's use 100 wolves in Yellowstone to make it easy I believe theres a few more. Now 24x 100 = 2,400 elk per year. That's F@G own numbers.
So 7,000 -2,400 = 4,600
I have a nephew who is a biologist in another state that has wolves and alot of mountain lions. His job is to collar and collect data on them. I believe him way more what happens with the wolf and Mt.Lion than I do from what I here from our F@G. and articles in newspapers.
As much as you can, fill us in without giving him up.
Wolves were reintroduced in two places and two places only. Yellowstone and Central Idaho. Most people don't understand that. If you dig far enough, you can find evidence of wolves denning in Glacier in the 70's. mtmuley
Wolves were reintroduced in two places and two places only. Yellowstone and Central Idaho. Most people don't understand that. If you dig far enough, you can find evidence of wolves denning in Glacier in the 70's. mtmuley
Were exactly in central Idaho? As far as I was aware only Yellowstone. Why not let them expand on there own? Oh I know let the government intervene they know better right because of some so called experts. Just like the biologists that were caught red handed planting lynx hair.
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