LR Shooting and Wind Reading Clinic / Matches - Missoula, MT 9/23-9/25


Sep 19, 2009
Long Range Shooting and Wind Reading Clinic

Clinic Info: **** THE CLINIC IS STILL ACCEPTING SHOOTERS - as of 9/3/2011 ****

On Friday September 23rd, the All National Guard Marksmanship Team will be instructing a wind reading and long range shooting clinic held at the Deep Creek Range in Missoula, Montana. The clinic will be followed by two days of NRA long range matches. The matches will be held at 800, 900, and 1000yds.

The clinic is open to all shooters interested in improving their skills for competition, long range hunting, or marksmanship. The clinic begins with registration at the 1000yd pavilion at 10:00AM. The clinic will initially begin with classroom instruction (held at the range) followed by coached live fire at the 800 or 900yd firing line. The cost of the clinic is minimal as the All Guard Team provides this service free as part of their mission to improve marksmanship among citizens. The cost is $30 and all proceeds will benefit the Deep Creek Range.

The clinic is held on Friday, and if you are interested in participating but can not make it by the 10:00AM registration, contact me for arrangements for an alternative arrival time.

Bring your rifle (capable to being fired out to 1000yds), 50 rounds of ammo (No 168 grn 308WIN loads please), shooting gear, spotting scope or binoculars, clothing appropriate for the weather, and a lunch. We will have a short break around 12:00 for lunch.

Long Range Match info: **** THE LR AND F-CLASS REGIONAL IS SOLD OUT - as of 9/3/2011 ****
***** See post below for info ****

On Saturday the 24th, the long range matches begin with the NRA Montana Long Range and F-Class Regional. Shooting on Saturday and Sunday includes firing at 800, 900 and 1000yd firing lines. The suggested total ammo requirement for the matches is 150 rounds.

Because the matches sold out last year and there was a waiting list, PREREGISTRATION IS A MUST! Preregister by contacting me by email.

If you are interested in attending but concerned about gear, we MAY be able to help with loaner gear, including rifles and ammo. The ammo is sold at cost and is factory match 308 WIN. Contact me in advance for further info.

The Deep Creek Range is located 20 min from Missoula, MT. Use this google maps location to enter your location for directions: Google Maps

Hotel accommodations can be made on nearby N. Reserve St, and Camping is great at the range.

Weekend Schedule:
Friday, September 23rd: All Guard Clinic: 10:00 AM - ~5:00PM. Registration at the 1000yd line pavilion at 10:00AM
Saturday, September 24th: Matches start at 9:15AM. Registration is from 7:30 to 8:30AM at the target pits
Saturday, September 24th: No host BBQ at the camp ground after the matches.
Sunday, September 25th: Matches continue with shooters meeting at the target pits at 8:00AM

Clinic and all matches: $75, Juniors 18 years old and under: $45
Clinic only: $30, Juniors 18 years old and under: $10
Matches, both days: $55, Juniors 18 years old and under: $40
Match, one day: $35, Juniors 18 years old and under: $20

Contact me at jameydan[at] for more info.

Jamey Williams
Match Director
Deep Creek Range, Missoula, MT
Hellgate Civilian Shooters Association


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The Missoula Long Range and F-Class Regional scheduled for this September 23-25th is sold out with 52 shooters and there is a waiting list forming. It is imperative if you are on the list to shoot and can not make it, let me know so we can free your spot up for another shooter. I am still taking names for the waiting list, so send me an email indicating you wish to be put on the list. The waiting list is fairly small and there are always cancellations, so consider emailing me to get on the waiting list.

The All national Guard Marksmanship Team Long Range Shooting clinic on Sept 23rd still has room for attendees. It is a great opportunity to receive some of the finest long range shooting instruction available. There are 26 attendees signed up with 10+ instructors. Email me for further info about the clinic.

Jamey Williams
Jamey and his staff put on a great event. Three of us from the Sniper Section attended the clinic and the matches over the weekend and had a great time. On Friday the All Guard Shooting Team gave a several hour block of instruction on everything from shooting positions to wind reading. After which they coached shooters for the rest of the day shooting out to 1000 yards. Those guys are some top notch shooters and love doing what they do. This was a great opportunity for my guys and myself to get some LR trigger time with our issued weapons/ammo. Beautiful country, great people,lots of rounds down range, and the military picked up my bill (and paid me to boot). The only thing that could have made it any better would be a few days elk hunting!:D
Thanks Jamey and Allen, had a great time.

Here are the few cell phone pics I took: the clinic, the 1000 yard range, my M24, an M110, and the competition.


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    [email protected]
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Bravo 4,

Thanks for coming up and I am glad you had a good time. Montana and elk hunting are only a PCS away :)

Things appear to have went very well for all involved with the clinic and the matches. Between the All Guard Team, the clinic attendees and the match competitors, we had over 70 different individuals in attendance over the weekend. The clinic and matches served the shooters well, providing an opportunity to enhance their skills, meet other like-minded shooters, and sharpen their wind reading capabilities. Many of the shooters also went home with great prizes provided by U.S. Tactical Supply and Applied Ballistics The clinic and matches also raised money for the range and money to support juniors and new shooters in our region.

Clinic Summary:
The clinic was held on Friday before the long range matches began, and we had 55 attendees between the instructors, civilians and National Guard members. The Missoula newspaper sent a reporter and photographer up to the range and did a nice story that made the front page of Saturday's paper: Elite shooters hold long-range marksmanship clinic at Deep Creek range It was a nice overview of the clinic and focused on one of our newer juniors.
The All National Guard Team clinic audience included competitive shooters, Army National Guard sniper teams and long distance hunters. The instruction included some basics followed by coached shooting at the 800 yard and 1000 yard lines. Before the shooting began, the instructors spoke about positions used in sling shooting and F-Class, and the associated gear necessary to be successful in both rifle divisions. They continued with further information on ballistics then on strategies on how to shoot in the wind. The live fire portion of the clinic consisted of 2 shooters to an All Guard Team coach, and the ratio of 2 students to a coach was about right. While one student was shooting the other was able to observe the coaches instructions and suggestions.
After the weekend of shooting Allen Spiker (All Guard Rifle Team NCO), approached me and brought up the suggestion of an advanced clinic for next year. If there ends up being enough interest, this is something we could pursue in conjunction with the All Guard Team.



Long Range Regional Match Summary:

The Missoula LR and F-Class Regional was held the Saturday and Sunday after the clinic. 51 shooters participated in this 2-day match. This year we were fortunate to have fantastic conditions to shoot in. Because of the great conditions and great scores fired in this match, many of the shooters will be moving up in their respective NRA classifications. Many of the competitors shot personal bests, and like a few times last year, we saw another National Record fall. Last year, Allen Spiker, Bob Evans and Nicole Hagedorn all established NRA National Records for their performances in the Montana LR and F-Class Regional. This year one more record has been eclipsed, with Allen Spiker shooting another record, scoring a 1088-48X (out of 1100 possible). This is a pending record for the long range regional aggregate and it passes the previous record by one X. Allen also won his rifle division - Palma rifle. Great shooting Allen!

There was some fantastic shooting Savage rifles at this match. Matt Waite of Billings, MT took top honors in the scoped class of sling shooters, and David Kynoch of St. Anthony, ID barely won his F-TR division. Both shooters use basically stock LR Savage rifles in 308 WIN. David has won his class the last few years at the Missoula regional. He took a gamble this past week however, when he re-barreled his rifle at the last minute. It paid off, as he squeaked by the second place shooter, Mike Anderson of Helena, MT - by one point.

We had some of the top Canadian shooters come down from both Alberta and B.C. and one of them, Scott Gaalaas (Calgary, AB), ran away with the win in the F-open class.

If you want a copy of the match bulletin email me and I will send a copy of the excel doc.




The weekend of shooting also included some fun down time with a BBQ on Saturday evening, and an awards ceremony on Sunday. The matches this year were sponsored by U.S. Tactical Supply and Applied Ballistics Both sponsors supplied fantastic prizes and we are certainly thankful for their participation in the matches. US tactical Supply gave away several hundred dollars of prizes including shooting mats, data books and clothing. Bryan and Jennifer Litz donated some of Bryan's in-depth and useful Applied Ballistics for Long Range Shooting books.

This wrapped up a great season of shooting in Missoula, and in our region in general. If you are interested in receiving more info about future clinics and matches in Missoula, contact me by email to be put on my mailing list.


Jamey Williams
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