Looking for advice on sheep hunting


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2013
London, UK
Hello folks,

I'm looking for some advice on sheep and goat hunting in the USA.

Next year is a land mark birthday for me and I am looking at planning a serious hunt as a bit of a celebration. I've hunted a couple of places in Europe mainly for deer and boar so I thought I would do something special for this.

I'd really like to do a sheep hunt in the US or Canada. Probably spend 2 weeks doing it.

So, if you were going to do a "proper hunt" where would you go? I'd like it to be more than 1 species if possible so I guess my questions are:

What species would you hunt?
Where would you go?
Are there any outfitters you particularly recommend?

Thanks in advance for your input folks.


First step is tags, either draw it in long odds lottery style, or buy a Governors/Comissioners tag, very expensive. Canada may give you better value, especially for goats.
Thanks Harper, I shall also look at Canada. Any other tips? I'm just starting to plan this so have some time for research.

Just patience. Decide which type of sheep you want, that will narrow the geographic choices, and what's available in combination.

Then find somebody reputable to take you. It's a lot of money changing hands, more than I've ever had in hand at one time.

Start with subscribing to: 1) BC guides and outfitters their membership comes with their Mountain Hunter magazine. 2) The Wild Sheep Foundation membership comes with a good quality magazine. 3) The Hunting Fool comes with a good quality magazine.

A couple of hundred dollars in subscriptions, and they all have their biases, but lots of good quality pictures, and ideas.
I also would recommend looking at Canada or Alaska. The tricky part will be finding a reputable outfitter that is not currently booked two years out. Be sure to do good background research on an outfitter and be prepared to pay top dollar. Then be ready to schedule a hunt either a year or two wait or be put on a cancelation short notice wait list.
Is this an area with sheep with horns or just the wooly kind? Are they in herds? Awesome, I can bring an AR...

Please elabrate.
I hear a lot of good about Lance kroenburger (sp) with Freelance outfitters.

Lance is a great guide with a good operation. To hunt sheep with him you'll have to draw a tag.

If i could hunt sheep with anyone in Alaska it would be Dan Montgomery. Look at the rams he's taken the last 3 years, more impressive than anyone I've ever seen.
I am from Canada. .B.C..We hunt Bighorns here and goats too but northern BC offers Stones and goats in a more wild landscape.You will need to go through an outfitter. .Go BC should get you to the site.To hunt here, and to enjoy it, get fit, learn some horsemanship and enjoy the ride..good luck
Hunt Dall sheep with Blackstone Safaris in the Yukon, Jim Fink is the owner
Lee Bolster was the precvios owner, Been there several time , camp is along the De mster Highway There are no surprises with Jim, Got a fannin ,dall, Or Dave Dickson
He has sheep ,to many sheep ,to many eyes , both great guys GOT EM ALL


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