long range hunting in Utah


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2005
Johnstown, PA
is it legal to shoot across a road while big game hunting in Utah, providing the trajectory is high enough to be safe?
What's high enough from your perspective to be safe may be different from the fella writing you the ticket. Of course your referring to a road with real traffic right?

I think I would pass on that!
In my humble opinion, unless you are familiar with the territory you are hunting in and the laws of the state, you can be setting yourself up for trouble.

In some states a "road" may mean a paved, or graded and maintained road, while a simple, unmaintained dirt road may be considerd a trail. Compound this with the inability, in most cases, to be able to see if there is a road crossing the bullet's path when shooting at long distance...

Best thing to do is to check and become familiar with state laws and become familiar with the area you are hunting.
Legal or not I would advise not to shoot over roads. I used to shoot at targets out to 1000 yards parrallel to an ATV trail. When it got to the hill my targets were on it went around the base and on forever. One day when I finished sending my last round down range two guys on dirt bikes came over the hill. It was a real eye opener for me. I talked to them when they came down the road and they never new I was shooting. Those are the kind of conditions that make for a "Freak Accident" that gets plastered all over the news.
I always sit on a hill top or mountain top and shoot into a hillside or field that I have full view. I know the terrain pretty well and look for any vehicles parked near the woods, or roads leading into the woods. That is pretty much an indication someone is in there and a no go for hunting. Situational awareness is key in these shooting conditions. Anybody in the military will tell you the same thing. Scope the area before even thinking about pulling the trigger. I won't shoot up hill on a blind hill top either.

I guess I take a pretty conservative approach to this question. No matter what State you are in weather it be legal or not legal is not the question in my opinion - IS IT ETHICAL? We as hunters have enough negative press that I don't feel we need to bring anything more onto ourselves.
A typical case in point is the guy in Colo. that crawled into a den and killed a new State record bear - it was legal by law - In a matter of months Colo. has a new bear den law. Like it or not, disagree with it or not, John Q. Public's opinion is in the majority and we as hunters are in the minority.
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