Leupold VX5 HD or Vortex Razor LH HD


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2016
I have gotten some great input and feedback from the people here on my previous posts about scope selection. I'm looking to get a scope for my 7 mm Remington Magnum and I think I'm looking at the VX5 HD or the Razor LH HD both in the 15 power magnification. I will use the set up for long-range shots for target shooting and hunting. The type of hunting will be backpacking in having the rifle in the scabbard on my pack. So length weight and turret height are some things that brought me to these 2 options as well as the a price tag that won't force me to sell my kidney on the black market to be able to afford it. My main concerns are the clarity and sharpness of the glass and the tracking and repeatability of the turrets as well as toughness. I will say thanks I had a time for the input!
The 5hd glass is excellent, I don't own a razor hd lh but do own the razor hd bino and spotter which also have excellent glass. If you want the open el turret and extra travel go with the leupy, if I remember right the razor is a 1" tube with capped turrets. I bet either one will work fine for you.
The vx5 glass is amazing
Well I have a 300 weatherby and I had a Vortex diamondback hp 4x16x42mm with deahold bdc optically it was great and mechanics were okay but not super,but it is light and gives great optics ,I wanted more magnification due to my poor vision and went up to a Minox zx5x25x56 that optically is up with the best and mechanics,it Gemrman built and increments are in 1/8" and tracks dead on it is heavy but it handle anything you throw at and sucks up light light a back hole .I have been playing with it after sundown with any moonlight I can make out power piles and lines at 200 yards. Well good luck with your decision
the vortex razor lh 3-15x42 it is a great hunting scope, but they really dropped the ball on the turrets, they are hard to see and very mushy
Can't beat the fire dot for hunting
Just a heads up on the Minox.

I bought a 5-25x56 thinking it would smoke my Bushnell 6500 4 1/2-30X50 in low light. But first I compared it on the military optics chart. The only magnification setting it was any good was on 25X. All the rest of the settings needed at least 3 power higher setting to see the same thing as the other. My low light test is to compare them on 13" wide deer antlers in the woods 131 yards away. The moment I would not shoot at the deer because I can't absolutely see the second tine I mark the time. This scope was a joke. It didn't do any better than the 50mm 6500, z5 5-25X52, or Leupold VX-6 4-24X52 on the low light test. Despite paying a restocking fee I returned it. While I'm at it I should include the Zeiss Conquest HD 5-26X50. It went down 12 minutes before the others did.

I have some new info about the Leupold VX-5. Yesterday one the VX-5 3-15X56 arrived at my house. The temp was 95 degrees. Of course the first thing I did was adjust the ocular to get the reticle as sharp as I could. Then I placed it on a sandbag and aimed it at the military optics chart 127 yards away in the shade. The glass was as good as the glass in my Swarovski z5 5-25X52 and Leupold VX-64-24X52. Also, it smoked them by six minutes in the low light test on the deer antlers 131 yards away in the woods. The eye box was quite generous. It has a zero stop. And the clicks are much better than the Leupold VX-64-24X52.
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