
Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2013
I was hoping somebody who owns either of these or can get their hands on them could do a review and or comparison? They have been out for a little while now and I'm having troubles finding alot of good information and reviews. I think alot of us would really like to see how well they do on soft targets (i.e. hunting situations) compared to like a geovid 2200 where there is quite a bit of data to use references to compare. I have the 2200 geovids and like them but wish the reticle where smaller for ranging small targets or targets with things like trees, shrubs, buck brush or small hills around them. I remember some very good info we had gotten from in depth reviews on the kilo 2400 when it came out as far as ranging soft targets and reticle size/actual location of beam vs reticle location and so on. If anybody could give their thoughts on these 2 binos that have fairly in depth use with them I'd really appreciate it. Is the ranging reticle smaller on the new geovid 3000 vs the 2200? I see the beam divergence is quite alot smaller which is great, but havent been able to find any info on whether the reticle is as well to reflect it. Thanks for any and all info guys!

I have owned a HD-B 2200 10x42 and a Swarovski 10x42 range.
I was not happy with ether of them & sold them.
So I broke down and bought the new zeiss 10x42 rf
last week.

I'v have not had them long
but at this stage of my tests
here is what i found.

The glass-
Its vary good, the sweet spot is about 85%
there are bright .The light transfer is about 88%
I would say there are 10% better then the hd-b
or Swaro's to my eyes.

The size-
There small for rf bino's about
the size of regular 10x42.
The body has has a good rubber armor
on them is better then the hd-b but not as good as the Swaro's.
The wight is 32.5oz about the same as the hd-b.
They feel rely good in the my hand.

The range finder -
Its the best i'v used in a rf bino so fare.
I can ping a elk at 2000 yrds
100% of the time. At 2400 yrds is about
as fare as i can reliably hit trees.
The circle is a little bigger the i would like
to be but smaller then the Swaro's.
I do think the New hd-b 3000 will have
a better range finder then the Zeiss rf.

The ballistic calculator-
Is the one thing i can't speak to much
as i have not had time to play with it to much
but so far i'm liking it.

I like them so far.
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