Lasik ...

Good deal! I'll have to check into that cuz the old shootin' eye isn't what it was.
I had the procedure done in 2000. No more eyeglasses to fog over while hunting elk!! Had a slight correction done in 2010. Alas, age finally caught up with me 2 years ago. Had cataracts removed and lenses implanted. Ha!! 20/20 in one eye and 20/25 in the other. Ready for another few years.
Yep, amazing! Had mine done 16-17 years ago. Was great for many years, but back to glasses/contacts now...
Yep, amazing! Had mine done 16-17 years ago. Was great for many years, but back to glasses/contacts now...

I originally going to have mine done in 2000 (PRK) but my opthalmologist recommended to wait ... and I'm glad I did.

I opted for a mono vision done; only had my left eye (dominant) corrected. Apparently, lots of people are going this route to have far and near vision without the need of glasses/contacts. I was using multi-focus contact lenses before. Two of my fishing buddies, both surgeons had theirs done by the same Doc.

Below is exactly what I have done to my left eye ...

I have a friend who went with PRK a few years ago because of the potential of recoil causing issues with the flap coming loose. He shoots a lot of sporting clays, so he consulted with other trap and sporting clays shooters, particularly ones who are in the medical profession, and they told him that it is a minor risk, but when shooting 30-40,000 rounds/year, even minors risks are elevated.

His eyes were extremely bad--he was out of commission for a couple of days and questioning why he got it done during that time due to the pain and swelling. Once the healing was done, his vision has been phenomenal.

I wonder how the recoil of larger calibers would compare to the shotgun sports.
I have a friend who went with PRK a few years ago because of the potential of recoil causing issues with the flap coming loose. He shoots a lot of sporting clays, so he consulted with other trap and sporting clays shooters, particularly ones who are in the medical profession, and they told him that it is a minor risk, but when shooting 30-40,000 rounds/year, even minors risks are elevated.

His eyes were extremely bad--he was out of commission for a couple of days and questioning why he got it done during that time due to the pain and swelling. Once the healing was done, his vision has been phenomenal.

I wonder how the recoil of larger calibers would compare to the shotgun sports.

WOW, that's a lot of rounds. I'm sure every case is different. I know that there are certain activities that is highly discouraged and there's a recommended healing time but it varies from person to person. Apparently, I heal fast but I am not taking any chances. Any shooting can wait, that is why I planned it for after the rifle hunting season. :D
I am with BadDog on this one. Started out with 20/650 near sighted. After the surgery I went to 20/15. Fabulous for five years. When most people start to need cheaters my vision started going towards the far sighted side. I am 20/450 now far sighted. Being far sighted really sucks. If you are near sighted you can focus and see clearly at very close range. However, if you are farsighted your vision is never in focus. I am just thankful my vision can be corrected with glasses. FEENIX, I wish you all the best and hope you are done with the spectacles.
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