Land Status Maps


Jan 7, 2010
Don't know if any of you are aware of this site but it shows public and private property and many other things. It can be hard to navigate but once you get used to it, it is great. Does anyone else have any other programs or sites like this?


That looks like a helpful site, though I didn't figure it out either. :)

Here is another option.

BLM map on your GPS at the LRH Gear Shop

The "chip" version pops into your Garmin hand held.

The download version can be copied to your own blank chip and/ or -- you can install it onto your PC so you can do viewing and planning on your monitor.
Hey Mac,

This website is only for wyoming, but you can use the pulldown menu and see gmu boundaries and then click on land ownership for the state. You can also overlay topographic quads and imagery. Use the sliders to adjust opacity, and you can get a "shaded-relief-topo-land-ownership map with GMU boundaries! Of course if you're not interested in Wyoming it won't help ya...

Wyoming Hunt Units and Hunter Success

Don't know if any of you are aware of this site but it shows public and private property and many other things. It can be hard to navigate but once you get used to it, it is great. Does anyone else have any other programs or sites like this?



If you have a Garmin, I found this site has a number of freely available maps for most of the areas I hunt that includes private property.

GPSFileDepot - All U.S. Garmin Compatible Maps
Be careful with some of the maps from GPSfiledepot. They use an out-dated federal lands database that can be inaccurate and incorrect in some areas. I have also found the geocommunicator data to be incomplete and out-dated in many areas so always double check no matter which product you are using.

Happy Hunting!

True comparing the Wyoming Land use map to BLM maps I found some inconsistancies in the areas I hunt. In checking the "Western Land Ownership" in the Colorado directory, I found it spot on with my BLM maps. Always a good idea to cross check and have paper maps as a backup!

I also used it for Utah and it shows the different land statuses for there also. Haven't really checked any of the other states. I don't own a garmin gps capable of the landowner maps or I would have them in an instant. They look great. But being a poor newly married college student it just isn't in the budget to buy them.

If you have one of our maps for Wyoming please send it back for a free update. Which version do you have - it will say on the outside of the case?

Sorry for the confusion. The map I found with inconsistancies was the one entitled "Wyoming Landusage" map from GPSfiledepot located in the Wyoming directory dated 10/2/2008. The Western Land Ownership map that was in the same directory included 5 states, and the Wyoming land use map there matched my paper maps exactly (at least for the areas I am hunting this year).

I assume you are referring to the map that links you to Those are some nice looking maps! Been thinking hard about trying the Wyoming one...leaving on Thursday, so I need to make up my mind!

Best regards,

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OK, thanks BT. We have added so many features now that are beneficial to hunters that it is definitely worth giving our map a comparison. For 1 You will probably notice that the map you are using doesn't show Wildlife Habitat Management Areas.

You can use our map on your computer for Free. This way you can compare the maps at no cost to you. Simply email your name and a preferred password to [email protected]
One thing I think would be really nice about your maps is that the land ownership appears to be solid color. On my current overlays the cross hatching or shading on top of my topo are pretty hard to see exactly what kind of land you are on.

I'll send you an e-mail and check it out.


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OK, anybody is welcome to try the Free map for the computer, but if you want the map for your GPS please return to the LRH Gearshop to order.

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