Hunting safety in grizzly bear country ...

Very good video! What they say about a bears speed of attack is so true. And, what they say about having a second defense system is imperative to the chances of surviving a bear attack. Trust me I know.
I carry 2 cans of pepper spray from March to December when I'm hunting, hiking, mtn biking and backcountry skiing.
During hunting season I carry and additional sidearm
I carry 2 cans of pepper spray from March to December when I'm hunting, hiking, mtn biking and backcountry skiing.
During hunting season I carry and additional sidearm

When bow hunting, my hunting buddy and I each carry a side arm and bear spray always and we are never far away from each other.

When hiking in bear country, I still carry my .44 Mag, bear spray, and my Karelian Bear Dog. :D

That's a good looking dog!

This guy was the best protection (early warning system) I've ever had in grizzly country.
Lost him summer before last to cancer. Kind of like being a blind man in the mountains nowadays.

Sorry to hear that, I'm sure your guy lived a wonderful life doing what he does and enjoys best with you and your family ... and would not have it any other way.

Your guy will always be in your heart and memories. BTW, your guy is a good looking dog too.

I know exactly what you mean about the early warning system. When he was a less than a year old on our first wilderness outing, he treed what I thought at the time was a squirrel but actually a couple of black bear cubs. Luckily, I was able to call him back and avoided any confrontation. On another outing shortly after, he alerted my wife and I while hiking, ahead of us about 75 yards above the rocks on a blind bend was a mountain lion awaiting ambush.

Didn't train him as such but while camping, On he would set a perimeter and checks them like clock work. One morning, a curious muley doe came close to our camp; he sends a warning bark then took a predatory position and patiently monitored the does next move. When the doe decided to advanced forward, my dog went after her but I was able to stop it mid way. :D

Dogs are simply amazing.


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