Hearing Protection Act 2019

We all know the NFA is unconstitutional. So do they. A supressor isn't even a weapon. It is only a muffler, just like on a car. They don't care, unless it is an election year. Some who made promises at home will go back and say "They Tried", and if only reelected they will keep fighting for you, and then they will actually go back to Washington, have a good laugh with their buddies, and joke about how they suckered the "Little People".
Just like the NRA does...
Pretty sure the only bloodless way to beat them is to elect local and State officials that will tell them to go pound sand. The only hold they have over the States is to take our money and then bribe the States to get back their share. Finish cleaning out the Judiciary and that has a chance.
On a side note, I heard the Virginia Democratic governor say last week on a radio talk show that he thought you didn't need more than 3 rounds to hunt with or for self defense. He also told a caller that if wanted to shoot a rifle that had a magazine with more than 10 rounds in it, he should join the military.

Modern Globalists are just re-branded bolsheviks, and bolsheviks are nothing but Nazis with global aspirations.

"Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA - ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State." - Heinrich Himmler

yeah, because division and bickering is always the way to win against an organized and uncompromising enemy, right? No? in fact backstabbing and squabbling is the best way to lose. And in the time I've been here I've heard Schumer bash the NRA less than Mudrunner does. You should be ashamed of yourself, pal.

When the NRA keeps their mouth shut about banning things, and stops helping write anti-gun laws, and then keeps begging and pandering for more money, to save those laws they keep helping chip away at, then I'll respect them again. A good start would be getting rid of Wayne LaPierre, Chris Cox, and Ollie North.

I'll support the GOA and FPC, who actually GET things done on a national scale (like suing the government and the BATFE), instead of worrying about fighting piddly little stupid local laws, and then wanting pats on the back, while national laws are being rewritten and redefined unconstitutionally and unilaterally without Congressional approval.

Yes, fixing and beating local anti-gun laws is very important as well, but when you're as big and strong and monetarily-backed as the NRA, you should be worrying about the national issues when they present themselves, instead of keeping your mouth shut and hiding in the dark with your tail tucked, because it was you who mentioned banning such items in the first place, that has now sent us down this slippery slope.
The NRA does some great work, and I will never bash them, and faithfully pay my dues. However, Their ILA division has some folks that think "Compromise" means us giving up something we already have in order to avoid losing more. I don't agree with this line of thinking, and don't support it monetarily. Right now the GOA is challenging the NFA in the Supreme Court. Why is the NRA not standing with them? Why has the NRA not already done so? Reminds me of elected politicians "Fighting the good fight" and losing. The Unconstitutional NFA is the precedent for ALL Federal gun laws. This is a big deal folks. I challenge each of you to send them a hundred bucks.
Most everyone speculates on issues. I used to be a negotiator for union contracts and have done so on both sides. What really happens and strategy a lot of times you don't hear about. The lobbyist in DC I don't agree with but is the way it works. We should support all areas of folks willing to fight anything about rights not just gun rights.

We need to stay united as divided we will fall.
Most everyone speculates on issues. I used to be a negotiator for union contracts and have done so on both sides. What really happens and strategy a lot of times you don't hear about. The lobbyist in DC I don't agree with but is the way it works. We should support all areas of folks willing to fight anything about rights not just gun rights.

We need to stay united as divided we will fall.
That's why I support them both. I will bash neither. I was just explaining why I donate more to one than the other. GOA is tied closer to my beliefs, so they get more. The American Way folks. Everyone needs to realize this is a bigger deal than Obamacare, and it is not being covered by the Mainstream Media. If it does see the light of day with them, you can bet your boattails that they will trash the GOA.
If it did pass, you know some crazy guy will eventually use a suppressor in a mass shooting and then they all will be banned. At least now you have the opportunity to buy a suppressor in 42 states.

On a side note, I heard the Virginia Democratic governor say last week on a radio talk show that he thought you didn't need more than 3 rounds to hunt with or for self defense. He also told a caller that if wanted to shoot a rifle that had a magazine with more than 10 rounds in it, he should join the military.

With northern VA voters turning the tide on VA elections, the Dems will be even more emboldened to introduce more wacky gun control legislation. Right now the Republicans hold a one seat advantage in the state legislature. They will lose that in the next election.

"If it did pass, you know some crazy guy will eventually use a suppressor in a mass shooting and then they all will be banned." Yup and the crackpot will use one of those banned "bump stocks" while doing it. And.....the crackpot really won't care at all that they are going to be charged by ATF for possessing one. I'm in Rhode Island, we have one of the most radical, left wing, liberal governors in the U.S.. She's up looking for a senate or house seat next election (this is her second time as governor), and she's a strong Hillary supporter. So you know what our next two years are going to be like. She's already proposed magazine restrictions, there's also a bill banning any military style weapons, and also a proposed bill restricting any firearm that has the capability to fire more than one round with a pull of the trigger; essentially any semi-automatic weapon at all!!! She's tight with the dems/antis, thus I suspect that will totally be in line with what the house is going to be proposing or already has proposed.
Pretty sure the bumpstock thing was a ruse. Audio sounded too much like full auto fire. and the ATF released pictures of the weapons a few days ago. Really bad, low resolution picture. Out of the half dozen AR's, I could only identify one that had a bumpstock. I could easily identify several that did not. I strongly think that the crime was mainly committed with either an M16 or an AR converted to full auto. Whoever thinks the Government will not lie to the people to fit an agenda is a fool. One thing events like this do prove, is who our friends really are, and who is sucking up to us for support that have no intentions of supporting us when we need them. Forget what anyone says. Look at their actions before sending your hard earned money to support them, or voting for them. We need to primary out some Republicans in a big way. We need to stack every court and get our rights back the same way they were taken.
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