H4350 vanished in under two minutes.

Raise prices is what I am afraid of, but this isn't going to stop until a Dem is out of office.
Has NOTHING to do with who's in office these price hikes started under trump simply supply and demand has absolutely nothing to do with who's in the Whitehouse
Anticipation Popcorn GIF
Has NOTHING to do with who's in office these price hikes started under trump simply supply and demand has absolutely nothing to do with who's in the Whitehouse
Seems to me there were 50-60 ships stuck offshore Longbeach CA. not too long ago which could not unload.
While the Secretary of Transportation was on "Family Leave" for 2 months......

Seems to me there is certainly inflation now that was not here under Trump. Inflation started this year when the current occupant of the Whitehouse started a Holy War on fossil fuels, shut down pipelines and drilling on federal lands, and begged the Iranians, the Venezuelans, and the Saudi's and even Russia to produce more oil because we would not. I notice, he did not ask Texas, Oklahoma, or Louisiana if they had any oil they could produce? Now, $9.00 gas prices in L.A. $4.00 most everywhere else.

Inflation began under this administration because they chose to print TRILLIONS in new paper play money. Still not enough.
Gonna increase taxes another $1.6 Trillion now to pay for more stupid......

Here's what your great government is spending your hard earned taxes on:

Funds targeted for Covid instead went to pay for "Story Time about Trees"

And of course, its all about "Equity" too.......gotta get that in there somewhere.......

Ammo shortages and Covid certainly started in 2020, but this administration is incompetent and impotent to keep the country running and well supplied at low cost with gasoline, meat and bread, medicine, or anything, much less ammo. They have proved it over and over in less than a year. Just a fact.

Yes -- Who is in the Whitehouse and What they do does Matter. Policy Matters!
Has NOTHING to do with who's in office these price hikes started under trump simply supply and demand has absolutely nothing to do with who's in the Whitehouse
Ya the way I remember it was supply and prices stabilzed and came down during President Trump after President Obama left office. Huge rush to stockpile ammo, reloading components, and firearms once President Obama was elected. It's been the same since President Clinton was elected.
When an administration that is antigun gets elected people, including democrats, rush out to purchase what might not be available later on. Supply and demand.
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Has NOTHING to do with who's in office these price hikes started under trump simply supply and demand has absolutely nothing to do with who's in the Whitehouse
Sorry to say, yes it does, Obama in the WH a lot of people went to hoarding, buying up as much ammunition and supplies as they could, remember the 22LR ammo shortage, 5.56 ammo shortage, whenever they are in the WH, they start up with all of the Gun Control rules and regulations they want to implement. The ATF director Biden wanted to have, Chipman, one of the most anti-gun ATF you could have. He was at Waco during that seige in 93. Thank God he was not installed as the director of the ATF. You would need to be blind not to think the person occupying the WH doesn't create this type of problem. All it requires is to have a D next to your name and start talking about Gun Control, then wait for shortages to begin.
Of course this gets political.

This bout of inflation is a supply side issue caused by rampant expansion in the monetary base, exasperated by geopolitical factors, sure, but mainly caused by expansionary monetary policy. This is why its so much different than TARP. By and large TARP was a loan package, that was repaid and caused very little expansion in direct, supply side monetary policy. The expansion was done off-balance sheet (IE: The Fed expanded its balance sheet). Hence why we saw very little inflation as a result, and really we had deflation in some sectors long after.

This was totally different. Also, the CARES act was passed under Trump, 2.2 Trillion in direct monetary expansion. I don't really care where your allegiances lie, but factually both parties contributed heavily to the inflation we are now experiencing.

Yes - I do this sort of stuff for a living.

Edit: Again yes - the above is stated factual, but I am sure a dumb*ss like Paul Krugman could disagree. Economics is a social science after all.
Sorry to say, yes it does, Obama in the WH a lot of people went to hoarding, buying up as much ammunition and supplies as they could, remember the 22LR ammo shortage, 5.56 ammo shortage, whenever they are in the WH, they start up with all of the Gun Control rules and regulations they want to implement. The ATF director Biden wanted to have, Chipman, one of the most anti-gun ATF you could have. He was at Waco during that seige in 93. Thank God he was not installed as the director of the ATF. You would need to be blind not to think the person occupying the WH doesn't create this type of problem. All it requires is to have a D next to your name and start talking about Gun Control, then wait for shortages to begin.
I really wasn't trying make this a political thing but the truth hurts sometimes. To illustrate your point. When Obama was in office we had a conservative government in office and we had minimal issues. Then the Liberals got elected and they started on their path to banning 1500 varieties of semiautomatic rifles and high powered bolt action rifles and shotguns too. This caused a massive rush to the gun stores to buy these guns before government could track your purchases. Ammo and components went out the door with it. When trump got elected our government only strengthened their resolve to steal my property. …so has everything to do with government as they set the policy. Isn't your president trying to go after the AR platform??
I'll add that the firearms/ ammunition manufacturing industry was largely considered "essential" and continued to stay open. The guys I know were still running 24/7. So production continued and yet demand increased, substantially.
I really wasn't trying make this a political thing but the truth hurts sometimes. To illustrate your point. When Obama was in office we had a conservative government in office and we had minimal issues. Then the Liberals got elected and they started on their path to banning 1500 varieties of semiautomatic rifles and high powered bolt action rifles and shotguns too. This caused a massive rush to the gun stores to buy these guns before government could track your purchases. Ammo and components went out the door with it. When trump got elected our government only strengthened their resolve to steal my property. …so has everything to do with government as they set the policy. Isn't your president trying to go after the AR platform??
Yes and Ghost guns and really anything the left wants done. Very sad, our politicians take an oath to defend and support the Constitution, then once in they do anything possible to take away the 2nd, the founding fathers had written it so well, Shall not be infringed, to make it understood in no way can it be taken away. Just like God had provided Moses with the 10 commandments the Israelites were to live by, in the end, they circumvented to have over 600 laws that no man could follow. It benefited the Pharisees and Sadducees, kept them in power, until Jesus came to fullfil the prophecy.
I have had this happen to me numerous times with Mid South. I have been logged on to my desk top, received the email notification pressed the purchase button and have the item out of stock. I no longer purchase from Mid South. I purchase from Midway, Brownell's, Powder Valley of Bruno's Phx.
Brunos has lost their minds with the shipping & hazmat fees price gouging - 34.00 shipping for 3 lbs of powder along with 44.00 hazmat fees. They can pound sand!!!

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