Got my Lion Back

Harper, you are right. Getting a cat to look good is one of the toughest. So many come out looking like Garfield the cartoon cat...:D

The Story, Well we hunt cats as soon as it opens right after elk season. I have a good friend with some awesome dogs. I use to run hounds and even competed years back in field trials. I would love to own a couple of his dogs, they will flat *** smoke a track, even one 15 to 20 hours old. So this was the first cat I killed and it was a male that weighed 145 lbs. The chase was in some pretty rough country, but a beautiful area. I shot it with my Weatherby 17 HMR. The HMR will do a great job but placement is very important. Stick one in the crease on a perfect broadside shot and they will expire pretty darn quickly. The bullet sends fragments into the heart. Pin hole entrance and no exits. I have taken 2 others since, one about 3 days ago and one last year. Yesterday morning I left to look for tracks at 4:00 am. My buddy had been out since 1:00 am. There was a large male track going through my yard. I mean right by the house. In fact he walked right past my garage doors about 2' from them. A local ranchers daughter shot this male after we ran the hair right off him and put him in a tree. Using my shoulder for a rest she put a slug from her 223 right where I told her. Gotta love the Montana gals, never under eximate this cute little blond gal. I have seen her rope and ride with the best of them and she can shoot too. She hiked right to the tree and closed the deal.

My wife was glad to hear we shot the window peeker. He weighed 152 lbs. I will post a few pics tonight. Gotta run we are after the lions again today and I need to get out and look for a track.

What did the taxidermist charge? (This is the only way for me to know "what's reasonable" when talking to taxidermists.)

What did the taxidermist charge? (This is the only way for me to know "what's reasonable" when talking to taxidermists.)


Well, I know the guy well and he treats me good, but the going rate among the better guys around here is $3k including habitat. Also, I will warn that I have seen the workings of less expensive guys and there is a reason they charge less. I feel if it is worth mounting and a valued trophy it is worth a few hundred more.

Well, I know the guy well and he treats me good, but the going rate among the better guys around here is $3k including habitat. Also, I will warn that I have seen the workings of less expensive guys and there is a reason they charge less. I feel if it is worth mounting and a valued trophy it is worth a few hundred more.


I completely understand that we've got to pay for what we get but it is good to know what "the best" charge.
Good job Jeff ! Did you pre load the BI-pods and check the Anti-cant Level befor your broke the shot :D:cool:.
Thanks for the story- we got lots of cats, haven't mastered getting them without dogs. A friend I help with some of the feed chores, has a window peeker I'm going to try and call this coming week. Its been in driveways up and down the creek as well. I think its more than one myself- light snow on the ground maybe I can get set up close enough to have a chance. Finding shooting lanes complicates the task. Loft of the barn makes a good stand, but if the cats not there its not there. It spends some time holed up in severe weather in an old abandoned milk barn. We stretched more than one in a backyard when dogs were allowed. Good times!
Thanks for all the complements guys. I am very please with him. The more I look at him the more I like him. My wife says now are living room is complete. Reminds her of a Cabela's. LOL
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