Good So Florida weekend in the woods

Maq Attaq

Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2011
Miami Lakes, Fl
My daughter came home from college this weekend for the Thanksgiving holiday and to celebrate her 20th birthday. She wanted to shoot and asked me take her hunting for the first time. We headed out to the range on Wed. Evening and she shot with a .243 and .25-06. She did well with both. Friday morning we headed out to the farm in Martin County and set up in the stand. We almost stepped on the two smallest pigs I've ever seen on the walk in...we had a great time chatting and enjoying 9 am a doe came out on the far end of the field @ 220 yds...she wasn't comfortable taking the shot so I obliged..I let the 160 gr Barnes TSX fly out of the 7 mag and she was DRT.....At the same time, my brother in law had set up a pop up blind at another crossing we had found....5 minutes after I shot, we heard him shoot and he also had a doe on the ground....Great time in the woods and now I have gotten an opportunity to hunt with all 3 of my children.....





Here is what happens when you don't put the mesh down!!!!

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