Good place for badger?


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2014
Nampa, ID
I'm looking for a place that has a decent badger population. My son is 9 and is deadset on shooting one. I've seen a few out towards Swan Falls, but only because they ran across the road. Any suggestions for areas in southwest Idaho would be appreciated, as would any other tips. Thanks.
I can't say for sure where the best place would be but I'd scan the birds of prey area. Tons of rats out there in the past so should be a good badger population. As you know there's some plague with the rats so I'd be careful about the badgers too.
Prairie dog towns make sense, but about the only ones that I've seen have been crossing the road in front of me. I wonder if a predator call in a dog town might entice them out of a hole since they seem to hide most of the day; if a coyote comes in that won't be a problem. I would generally wait into December for fur, but he really wants to get one this year so I think we will be looking any chance we get.
Predator call will bring one in here in WY.
I've watched them come in with tail held high and head up, looking like a short legged dog.
Pretty fun to see.

PD towns are lunch counters for coyotes, too.
Lay on your back, feet into the wind and call.

The PDs will sound off as a predator gets into the town and you can tell which direction it is coming from.

As it gets closer to you the closer PDs to you will sound off.

When you think it is close, sit up and see what you called.
Coyotes will try to get downwind to smell what is squalling.

Badgers, not so much in my experience. They come right in.

If you think it is above your head and not toward your feet, roll over to the prone to see what is coming.

Two guys can lay prone next to each other facing opposite directions.
Check prairie dog town early in the morning and late at night. Here in Montana I wait to shoot them till February when they are prime.

I've shot a few over the years, still would like to do a rug or full body mount on a big old boar:)

Side note, a couple rancher friends will have me come out and hunt them at night as they prowl a lot then. Just a thunk...
I've shot a few over the years, still would like to do a rug or full body mount on a big old boar:)

Side note, a couple rancher friends will have me come out and hunt them at night as they prowl a lot then. Just a thunk...
I shot a big one off a ranch in Montana. Just prior to setting up a booth during a LE firearms trade show over there. I should of made a mount out of that one.
Prairie dog town.


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Not trying to hijack this thread, but curious what the consensus is from the badger experts on this mark on the mid to lower rump of this badger. First I thought injury then maybe gland but I am not aware of them having any in that location. Badgers are not very common in CA so this was the first time I got to examine one up close.

See them all the time in gods country. Good luck on your hunt!!!


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