Go New Zealand!

This is why I say we have a mental illness problem in this country.
DING! DING! DING! We have a winner.
Let me put a fully loaded AR-15 in front of a person. All sane, normal human beings would never pick it up and use it in harmful manner. So what is wrong with these people that acquire a weapon (legally or illegally), acquire the ammunition, and magazines, load everything, chamber a round, then go to a public place and start shooting their fellow human beings? NO SANE PERSON DOES THAT.

And, do you know what stops these bad people? Good people...with guns of their own. That's the only thing that stops the madness.
This is why I say we have a mental illness problem in this country.
I'm no shrink, but you may be absolutely correct. The problem is that once a medical professional deems a possible nutcase to actually be a nutcase, that poor batsard is branded in our society as an outcast, someone who's not as "good" as the rest of us, someone who has to be avoided, et cetera. When that mantle is placed upon a person, the doctor who placed it has opened himself up to being sued, to having his reputation sullied, to being vilified for destroying the future of the nutcase, et cetera.

Our bass-ackward society now cares more about the feelings of a wacko than we do about the common, everyday American. I blame this crazy, upside-down situation on liberalism and political correctness. Liberalism is a cancer; it destroys everything with which it comes into contact. I look at the condition in America these days, and I'm ever so happy that I have no kids to whom I'll leave this country.
Unfortunately the media article attached to this thread is very misleading.
Go and make yourself a coffee and I will try and explain what has happened here in New Zealand.
On the 15th of March an Australian who had legally obtained a NZ firearms licence from the NZ Police (there is a Royal Inquiry into whether this was done correctly) shot and killed 51 people and injured about 40 others. Our Government using an Order in Council banned all Military Style Semi Automatics (MSSA) rifles. This was not particularly democratic as interested parties were only given one day for written submissions and a further one day for oral submissions during which they heard from 24 submitters, half of which were anti gun. There are 250,000 licenced firearms uses in NZ. However it wasn't just the MSSAs that got caught up in this, it also included all semi auto and pump action shotguns that had any type of box magazine and tube mags of more than 5 shot capacity. Also caught in the drag net were the likes of Remington 742, BAR etc. If that wasn't enough they also banned any magazine, center fire or rim fire with a capacity greater than 10 rounds. This of course includes most lever action, pump action and some semi auto and bolt action tube feed 22 cal and some CF rifles.
The Police decided that they will have 248 buyback events at various venues around the country. Most shooters that are affected call it confiscation with compensation as they can't "buyback" something they never owned.
The reason I say the article is misleading is it was written on the 8th of July and yet the first "Event" didn't occur until the 13th of July. The last I heard around 2000 weapons had been turned in but experts in the firearms industry suggest 600,000 weapons may be involved. For anyone planning on coming to NZ hunting please be aware that your favorite BAR will not be allowed into the country.
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Unfortunately the media article attached to this thread is very misleading.
Go and make yourself a coffee and I will try and explain what has happened here in New Zealand.
On the 15th of March an Australian who had legally obtained a NZ firearms licence from the NZ Police (there is a Royal Inquiry into whether this was done correctly) shot and killed 51 people and injured about 40 others. Our Government using an Order in Council banned all Military Style Semi Automatics (MSSA) rifles. This was not particularly democratic as interested parties were only given one day for written submissions and a further one day for oral submissions during which they heard from 24 submitters, half of which were anti gun. There are 250,000 licenced firearms uses in NZ. However it wasn't just the MSSAs that got caught up in this, it also included all semi auto and pump action shotguns that had any type of box magazine and tube mags of more than 5 shot capacity. Also caught in the drag net were the likes of Remington 742, BAR etc. If that wasn't enough they also banned any magazine, center fire or rim fire with a capacity greater than 10 rounds. This of course includes most lever action, pump action and some semi auto and bolt action tube feed 22 cal and some CF rifles.
The Police decided that they will have 248 buyback events at various venues around the country. Most shooters that are affected call it confiscation with compensation as they can't "buyback" something they never owned.
The reason I say the article is misleading is it was written on the 8th of July and yet the first "Event" didn't occur until the 13th of July. The last I heard around 2000 weapons had been turned in but experts in the firearms industry suggest 600,000 weapons may be involved. For anyone planning on coming to NZ hunting please be aware that your favorite BAR will not be allowed into the country.
This is why the Democrats in America want to destroy the 2nd Amendment so badly. Because they cannot out-right demand you turn something in without it being considered high-treason against our Constitution and Bill of Rights.

This is why most of us have such a big problem with Trump's end-run around Congress with the Bumpstock ban. It had very little to do with the devices themselsves, it had more to do with the ILLEGAL and tyrannical dictator-style method he used to force it on Americans. Bumpstocks are cheap junky pieces of plastic, and at-best are a novelty item for broke rednecks to enjoy SIMULATED full-auto fire. They do not turn a weapon into a machine-gun, in any universe. They do not alter the weapon's primary function in ANY way. When they redefined the definition of a machine-gun (without Congressional approval because the Supreme Court would have shot it down instantly), to include bumpstocks, they opened up a very slippery slope into our aftermarket parts possibly being banned in the future. This is why so many of us are mad. It has nothing to do with the bumpstocks themselves. Plus, most of us KNEW something was off and VERY odd about the whole Vegas shooting incident... None of it still adds up to this day. Which is why I, personally, feel it was sa false-flag by our own government to get us to give up our own rights... Never underestimate the cowardly lows of ANY government on earth, in an attempt to favor more power by voluntary means.

Even Benjamin Franklin stated back in the 1700's, that "Those who would give up essential liberties to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty, nor safety."

I just wanted to clarify this, because some folks in other countries might not be aware of HOW the ban took place, and WHY so many of us are opposed to it. It's the illegal and underhanded method and manner it was gone about being forced upon us.

I don't own one, and never have...No desire to. If I want a full-auto, I'll go through the proper (LEGAL) channels and purchase a VERY expensive transferrable pre-1986 model to add to my collection...Not some junky piece of plastic that anyone could buy for $50.
"However it wasn't just the MSSAs that got caught up in this, it also included all semi auto and pump action shotguns that had any type of box magazine and tube mags of more than 5 shot capacity. Also caught in the drag net were the likes of Remington 742, BAR etc. If that wasn't enough they also banned any magazine, center fire or rim fire with a capacity greater than 10 rounds. This of course includes most lever action, pump action and some semi auto and bolt action tube feed 22 cal and some CF rifles."

That is usually how the anti-gun side rolls. Which is why I always advocate not giving an inch, no matter the incident. If they succeed in banning semi-autos here they will quickly go after handguns and then bolt guns. Their stated goal is total disarmament.
If one searches "454 Cassul" on youtube a video from the 90s will turn up where the usual anti-gun crowd is talking about the danger of "high power" revolvers, and why they need to be banned. They use similar methods as are in practice today in regard to semi-autos.

And I can promise you that any federal "red flag" law that is passed will be abused, without due process, to confiscate as many firearms as possible
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