gen 3 night vision

Nite vision is the only way to go when nite hunting. With gen 3 you will be able to see good enough to walk around no matter how dark it gets. With just star lite on a clear nite you may be able to shoot 50 yrds. reasonably. With a full moon to the full range of your rifle. I`m not firmilar with the D-740, but I use the PVS-7 gogles and a red lazer. With a weak red lazer you can see it into the sky or on trees 1/2 mile away.
Wow took d-740 out last linght ,it was awsome,full moon covered by clouds, first call seen a bobcat but he seen me to, could see easy 300 yards ,when calling focused scope up on feild could see lots of deer and cows i would say 8oo yards away easy.This i some of the best money i have ever spent on hunting equipment, I have no dought that I can kill 10 times as many coyotes and cats and foxes as i have in the past, the only thinG, is iam gona have to save up for a really good monoclure,because holding the gun up the whole time gets kinda though, THANKS U VICTOR AT TACTIAL NIGHT VISION FOR SUCH AN AWSOME PRODUCT,
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