G7 BR2 shortcomings, limits or faulty unit?


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2003
Aussie in Italy
I just got a BR2 rangefinder from a friend and had a quick test run with it.
Admittedly I didn't spend much time with it, but I did test it side by side with my Zeiss range finding binos.
What go me was that unless it had a very good, clean target it would not range.
For example off a hillside covered with forest I could jot get a reading, while the Ziess had no problems.
Also I could not get reading off anything past about 800 yards.
I found the length of time needed to get a range to be a little long too, again, the Ziess is almost instant or close enough.

So what gives? Is this what I should have expected or is there possibly something wrong with this particular unit?

This is Len with a comment. 15 posts later this guy said:

"I found that the problem I was having was with how long to hold the fire button down."

So I guess the moral of the story is, if all else fails read the directions.
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Settings maybe? I dont know but my experience with mine I am totally satisfied. I have ranged object out past 1900 yds. Keep in mind the G7 does so much more than your Zeiss it takes into consideration angle, temp, humidity, altitude, barometric pressure and if you have it programed in your ballistic profile (not some generic profile) and gives you a dial to range.
1900 plus is easy with mine ranging a hillside. Got 1740 on a barn on an insanely bright out day. 860 on a coyote the same day was almost instantaneous.
I'm talking about a fresh out of the box unit, using the battery that came with it. It was a direct side by side trial, the G7 would not range a hillside 600 yards away, though it would range the gong at 645. The Zeiss was and always has ranged hillsides with no problems, out to 1500 meters. Next weekend I will get a better opportunity to spend more time with it, and come back with the results.
Well I spent some more time with the unit, and watched all the vidoes from G7 about how to set it up. It's actually fairly simple to get everything set up and working and I found that the problem I was having was with how long to hold the fire button down.
I was abl to get ranges up to 1900 yards, but no further.
It worked ok, but I still feel like there is something amiss. It is very slow to acquire, the longer distances needing maybe 5 seconds of holding down the button while remaining perfectly on target. My Zeiss on the hother hand is instant and accurate, regardles of the surface you aim at.
This is a little more finciky, though the ballistics info is good and accurate.

I have yet to test it past 700 yards, but it does correspond to my field data.
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