front sight for iron for muzzleloading hunting

wildcat westerner

Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2009
Hello, In attempting to arrive at a superior sets of iron sights, due to the new New Mexican laws, I have a friend sending me a short vernier rear sight. Assuming a front globe sight, which one would you choose? I got to shoot a competition bpcr Sharps and greatly admired that tiny pin front sight with its globe, but don't know how well that would work in early morning or evening dim light.

I don't have to worry about shots past 200-ish yards here in Arkansas but I've had amazing luck with my Skinner prep rear sight and the smallest diameter fiber optic I can find to fit in the front sight.
It's fine targeting enough to allow even a mediocre shot like me to make hits on the regular on 4" shotgun clays at the 200y mark.
Now if only I could read wind better...
I am not a very experienced muzzleloader person but picked it up last year. I used an old TC Hawken. On the front I used glow in the dark blaze orange nail polish from my 8 year old daughters collection. Worked pretty well for seeing it in dawn/dusk conditions. It isn't permanent and I had to redo it right before the season, but it serves the purpose pretty well.

I am looking for a permanent solution, so curious what you come up with
A global front sight and global rear sight is easy to align on a round target at about any range, With proper size appature. On an animal it is a hard to judge, The place you want the bullet to hit, And then the space around it. You have to be very careful, Or you will center the whole animal in the front globe in a quick shoot situation.

It is better to use a narrow post front sight so it can be aligned on the spot where you want the bullet to hit. And walk the front sight if the range changes quickly, In an open or global front sight.

Against dark skinned animals the front sight needs to be a color, Other than black to show up well, Especially in low light.

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