Forum Progress Report

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
Membership has increased 50% in the last week or so. Daily traffic has tripled since May 1. The forum is just over one month old. I have been reluctant to promote it heavily until I was sure I had any bugs worked out in the software and with the hosting site.

Many "readers" have not yet posted or become members because they are waiting to see if we really will protect their posts from flames and other naysayers as our rules so state. Hopefully it has now been noted that I have actually demonstrated that commitment a couple times recently on questionable posts.

Try mentioning now on some of the other sites you may frequent! I think we are ready.
Yeah, Len, I'd say you're ready. The forum is coming along nicely. I'll drop the word on a few more friends...

Good job!
The site is more than I expected, this is great. I`ve read only a few posts so far and have alot of catching up to do.

Thanks for the invite Len, THAT and THIS site ALREADY means alot to me.

I look forward to the exchange of thoughts with like minded individuals, and will pass the word to those I feel are.

Great Job!

[ 06-12-2001: Message edited by: Brent ]
Rather than posting the existence of this forum to all sorts of different lists or websites, it might be a better idea to keep it a word of mouth thing.

Wholesale postings will only result in all sorts of ethics fights for the list admin to edit out.

It might even be a good idea to require prospective members to be proposed by a current member. This would ensure that new members are like minded people who will positively contribute to the forum.

Peter Cronhelm

That's a good thought----Keep it as an invite from the currect members.

When you open it up World wide, you will have problems for sure.

Darryl Cassel
Warning! This thread is more than 23 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.

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