For our law enforcement friends


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2015
For all of you in local law enforcement, I would ask that you never forget how utterly horrible you have been treated by your local politicians. Especially those of you serving in gun hostile blue states. I ask that you remember how the same side that wants to ban firearms is the same side that is calling for you to be disbanded, dehumanizing you, calling for your deaths, and worst of all asking you to kneel before a mob of degenerates.

Please remember that it is these same politicians & and their Marxist armies in the streets that will, in the months to come, ask you to enforce their unconstitutional gun laws.

Stay safe out there, and kneel before no one.
Sometimes in my crazy head I think, why don't we deport these people to a country with a political system that they like. If they hate the good ol' american way so much and preach leftist ideology and socialism well lets ship them somewhere else that has a goverment like the one they want to implement here, like Venezuela, somewhere in the Middle East, China, etc etc and see how they like it.

I am not talking about immigrants to be clear, my dad was an immigrant and so is my mom, I am first generation mexican american or american mexican what ever you want to call it. My wife as well and we both live in this country because of the opportunities and freedom it provides.

I moved to the US about 24 years ago and my wife has lived in this country for only 16 years now, and I am more than often surprised how we have more appreciation for our military, police and first responders than many many other americans. How they selfishly risk their lives for us to have the freedom and privileges that we enjoy on a daily basis.

How can a major betray the men and women that risk their lives for the people of his city? That is simply disgusting, and what is worst is that people voted and placed this person in office. It just blows my mind.

Sorry Len if I went a little overboard but I appreciate you letting us use this forum to in some occasions vent our frustrations.
Indeed, what you inevitably hear when someone winds up becoming poster child for supposed police mishandling or alleged brutality is, "he was a good boy," or "he was a gentle giant."

Whenever I hear that my bull detector goes off like a Geiger counter in Chernobyl.

I went to a high school that reflected America, in both ethnicity and class. Graduated in 1981. The school ran the gamut from fairly poor to fairly well off, though no true 1 per center, ultra wealthy types. What I can say is, I never knew of anyone who I could reasonably describe as a "good boy", of any ethnicity, who got in trouble with the police.
Asking for LE presence at a defund the PO lice demonstration to keep them safe. The light bulb never comes on.
Stay Strong.
The appreciation means a lot these days when there is so much hate aimed towards us for the job we do. I am thankful to live in a small community here in Wyoming where there isn't a huge amount of that, though there have been a few protests near by. The police car in Salt Lake City that was burned down a few weeks ago belonged to the daughter of a close hunting friend of mine, thankfully she made it out ok. Hits a little close to home. Good to know there are still many out there that believe in what we are doing.

Thank you all for the support in these trying times, and God bless.
To be utterly fair, on a long trip through Texas and into the old south I was extremely impressed with the youngsters and their respect for elders. Always a "yes sir - no sir". Much different culture as opposed to many here in the west.

Being from the south my whole life I can tell you it's just a southern thing although it is getting more and more uncommon nowadays
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